Study sessions in 2022
Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO) and European Free Alliance Youth (EFAy)
Agents of Change: Empowering European minority youth to promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development
The study session co-organised between UNPO, EFAy and the Council of Europe between October 17 to 22 October 2022 combined areas of activity from each of the project partners. It had a particular focus on topics including minority participation; the right to self-determination; and conflict...
European Union of the Deaf Youth
Deaf, young and LGBT+: battling intersectionalism and training activists
Aim to map the issues Deaf young LGBT+ are facing and develop tools for awareness raising and battling intersectional discrimination. Objectives To establish a common ground and develop a shared understanding on the topic of LGBT+ rights, by using different UN, EU and CoE conventions and...
Voices of Young Refugees in Europe (VYRE) and Euro Youth Mental Health (EYMH)
Managing mental health as a refugee, asylum seeker and migrant
Priorities The study session focused on one of the strategic priorities of the Council of Europe youth sector: young people’s access to rights and living together in peaceful and inclusive societies. Specifically, it aimed increasing mental health literacy of refugee and migrant youth, people...
Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations
International Voluntary Service for Youth (IVS4Youth)
Priorities The study session International Voluntary Service for Youth (IVS4Youth)” focuses on one of the strategic priorities of the Council of Europe youth sector : Living together in peaceful and inclusive societies and Youth Work. Specifically, study session aimed to provide Alliance of...
Don Bosco Youth-Net (DBYN)
Voices of Youth
The aim of the study session is to further the work of DBYN volunteers in the area of representation, through building capacity for online and offline Human Rights Advocacy. The objectives are as follows: To strengthen the Human Rights Advocacy potential of local volunteers in DBYN member...
European Playwork Association
All different, all equal – still relevant?
The aim of this study session is to empower and strengthen young youth workers from the e.p.a. network to promote Human Rights in their local communities. The objectives of the study session are: To reflect the societal context of Human Rights and diversity in European countries, and its role...
World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM) and Human Rights Education Youth Network (HREYN)
Advancing at Constructing Safe Learning Space in Non-formal Education
The aim of this study session is to increase the quality of non-formal education and human rights education in participating organisations, by raising awareness, sharing practises and increasing competencies of trainers, educators and youth workers for safe space development. The objectives of...
World Armenian Youth Network (WostAYN)
Rights for Inclusion
The study session “Rights for Inclusion” was held between 30 May and 3 June at the European Youth Centre in Budapest. The activity organised by WostAYN (World Armenian Youth Network, aimed to raise the quality of youth work promoting and supporting access to social rights and...
Erasmus Student Network (ESN)
Youth Work Lab
The “Youth Work Lab” study session was held at the European Youth Centre in Budapest from 6 the 10 June 2022. Co-organised by Erasmus Student Network, the activity aimed at empowering the participants to make the (first) steps towards the recognition of youth work and competencies of youth...
Organising Bureau of European School Student Unions (OBESSU)
Pluriverse - Peaceful societies with an oppression-free education
Priorities: The study session “Pluriverse - Peaceful societies with an oppression-free education” focuses on one of the strategic priorities of the Council of Europe youth sector: Living together in peaceful and inclusive societies. Specifically, it aims to provide participants with the...
European Network on Independent Living (ENIL)
Sustainable Development Goals and Youth with Disabilities: What We Can Do?
Priorities: The study session focuses on one of the strategic priorities of the Council of Europe youth sector : Revitalising pluralistic democracy and Living together in peaceful and inclusive societies. Specifically, it aims to empower people with disabilities around the world who are one of...
Active peace - students strengthening peace through Human Rights’ Education
The European Coordination JECI-MIEC is a movement uniting European Catholic Student Organizations and working in direct connection with the two global organisations IYCS (International Youth of Catholic Students) and IMCS (International Movements of Catholic Students). As citizens of...
DYPALL Network
Climbing the ladder - Capacitating youth leaders to facilitate youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level
The study session “Climbing the ladder - Capacitating youth leaders to facilitate youth participation in decision-making processes at the local level” focuses on two of the five strategic priorities of the Council of Europe youth sector : Revitalising pluralistic democracy (1) and Youth work (4)...
Youth Social Rights Network with the support of the I-PARTICIPATE NGO (Greece)
Skills Up!
The aim of the study session is to strengthen rights based approach in youth work with young refugees and promote the role of soft skills in young refugees’ inclusion in the society. Objectives : Encouraging a common understanding of the terms related with working with refugees in grassroot...
No Hate Speech Network
Human Rights Activism in post Pandemic reality
Description The idea of the study session is to bring new and old stakeholders of the No Hate Speech Movement and No Hate Speech Network to take part in the educational activity where they can develop the needed competences to have a human rights-based approach in fighting for human rights...
Forum of European Muslim Youth and Students Organisations (FEMYSO)
“Mind the Gap”
The study session “Mind the Gap” was organised by the Forum of European Muslim Youth and Students Organisations (FEMYSO) in cooperation with the Youth Department of the Directorate of Democratic Participation of the Council of Europe. The course took place in the European Youth Centre Budapest...