European Commission
In 1998, the Council of Europe and the European Commission decided to work together in the field of European youth worker training. Both institutions, therefore, initiated a Partnership agreement, the aim of which was
to promote active European citizenship and civil society by giving impetus to the training of youth leaders and youth workers working within a European dimension.
This agreement has since been renewed several times and additional agreements have been initiated in the fields of “youth research” and “Euro-med co-operation”.
Since 2005, all Partnership activities have merged into one single framework Partnership agreement which focuses on the following topics:
- European Citizenship;
- human rights education and intercultural dialogue;
- quality and recognition of youth work and training;
- better understanding and knowledge of youth;
- youth policy development.
The Partnership between the Council of Europe and the European Commission in the field of youth thus brings together the two institutions’ experience in non-formal education, youth policy, youth research and youth work practice.
The two institutions focus on:
- Participation/citizenship;
- Social inclusion;
- Youth work.
All Partnership activities and publications enhance the exchange of experience and good practice between the stakeholders involved, are embedded in a structured dialogue and contribute to the implementation of the political objectives of both partners.
Since 1998, many thousands of young people have participated directly in these activities and many more were able to benefit from this experience through the Partnership's publications.


Coyote is an online magazine about important issues in and around youth work in Europe and beyond and is published by the EU-CoE youth partnership.

Youth Knowledge Books

The youth knowledge books are the outcome of research seminars and expert workshops on priority topics of the EU-CoE youth partnership.

Perspectives on youth

Perspectives on youth is a series on youth policy, research and practice supported by the EU-CoE youth partnership, moving forward debates on youth of European/international relevance.


The T-kits are thematic publications written by experienced youth trainers. They are easy-to-use handbooks for use in trainings and study sessions.