What is the Advisory Council on Youth?

The voice of young people in the Council of Europe

About the Advisory Council

The Advisory Council on Youth (CCJ) is the non-governmental partner in the co-management structure which establishes the standards and work priorities of the Council of Europe’s youth sector and makes recommendations for future priorities, programmes and budgets.

It is made up of 30 representatives from youth NGOs and networks in Europe and its main task is to advise the Committee of Ministers on all questions relating to youth. Specifically, the Advisory Council helps to ensure youth policies are mainstreamed into the Council of Europe's programme of activities by providing opinions and proposals to all of the Organisation's bodies. It also ensures that young people are involved in other activities of the Council of Europe and promotes the policies beyond the Organisation.

The Advisory Council on Youth promotes the co-management system in decision-making processes at all levels as a good practice for youth participation, democracy and inclusion, whilst preparing and encouraging young generations to take responsibility to build their desired society.

In practice, the tasks of the Advisory Council on Youth are to:

  • contribute to the effective mainstreaming of youth policies in the Council of Europe programme of activities by formulating opinions and proposals on general or specific questions concerning youth in the Council of Europe; where appropriate, address these opinions and proposals to the Committee of Ministers or other bodies of the Council of Europe. The Advisory Council on Youth may also be invited by the Committee of Ministers to formulate opinions on general or specific questions concerning youth policy;
  • formulate opinions and proposals concerning the priorities, expected results and budget for the youth sector;
  • promote the Council of Europe’s youth policies within the Organisation and beyond;
  • designate, for two years, the CCJ members who shall be invited to represent it in the Programming Committee on Youth (CPJ), the co-management body in charge of establishing the programme of activities of the youth sector.

 Here are the Advisory Council on Youth's Terms of Reference for 2024-27 which were adopted by the Committee of Ministers.

   Meet the Advisory Council on Youth

Find out more about the members and the portfolios for which they have responsibility.

Meet the members > 

Conseil consultatif sur la jeunesse (CCJ) 2024

    Meet the Bureau

The Advisory Council on Youth elected its Bureau on 8 April 2024. The members are:

 Nina Grmuša, chair

 Marharyta Vorykhava, vice-chair

 Maurizio Cuttin

 Anja Jokić

 Anna Knobbout




The Advisory Council's representatives on the Programming Committee on Youth (CPJ), for its 2024-25 term of office, were elected on 8 April 2024.

They are: Yevheniia Fedotova, Agnes Gkoutziamani, Noah Kramer, Xesc Mainzer, Riikka Pasanen, Matias Rubio, Konstanze Schönfeld and Petr Banda. They sit on the CPJ in a personal capacity and not as representatives of their organisations.

The three substitutes are:  Mariam Tartusy, 1st substitute, Christina Yiannapi, 2nd substitute and Eva Kotnik, 3rd substitute.

The new Joint Council on Youth rapporteurs were nominated during the 50th meeting of the CMJ (9 and 10 April 2024, EYCB)


Statements and publications of the Advisory Council

The opinions expressed in these statements are those of the Advisory Council on Youth and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Council of Europe or its member states.