Meet the AC
Meet the Advisory Council

Agnes Gkoutziamani
YEE – Youth and Environment Europe
- PFG 1: Access to rights, ECHR and European Social Charter case law (lead 1); environment (lead 1);

Anja Jokić
KOMS – National Youth Council of Serbia
Bureau member
- Transversal portfolios: National Outreach and National Youth Councils (lead 3)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Cooperation with the Conference of INGOs (lead 3)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies (co-ordinator), Youth, peace and security (lead 1)

Anna Knobbout
EYMH - Euro Youth Mental Health
Bureau member
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work (co-ordinator), Cooperation with the Conference of INGOs (lead 1); World Forum for Democracy (lead 3)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Gender Equality and LGBTQ+ rights (lead 3)

Arno Schrooyen
ESU – European Students’ Union
- PFG1: Access to rights, Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU) (lead 1); Revitalising democracy in Belarus (lead 2)

Emili Khachatryan
Youth Development Centre of Armenia
- PFG1: Access to rights, Digitalisation and young people, including CAI (lead 1)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Working group on Quality Label for Youth Centres (lead 3)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Young people in rural communities (lead 3)

Emma Hallali
EUJS – European Union of Jewish Students
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Anti-discrimination (including antisemitism, anti-muslim hatred and other forms of intolerance), combating hate speech and hate crime

Emma Wedner
LSU – National Council of Swedish Youth Organisations
- Transversal portfolios: Follow-up to Reykjavik summit, strengthening of youth perspective and participation (lead 2)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Expanding the space for civil society (lead 1)

Eva Kotnik
RYE – Rural Youth Europe
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Co-operation with the Congress (lead 2); Youth work (lead 3)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Young people in rural communities (lead 1)

Gavriel Efstratiou
CYC – Cyprus Youth Council

Iman Maslić
Youth Council of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Transversal portfolios: National Outreach and National Youth Councils (lead 1)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Youth work (lead 2)

Jannis Gustke
IYNF – International Young Nature Friends
- Rapporteur on the rights of persons with disabilities
- PFG1: Access to rights, Environment (lead 3)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Co-operation with the Congress (lead 3)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Mainstreaming disability issues (lead 1); Anti-discrimination (including antisemitism, anti-muslim hatred and other forms of intolerance), combating hate speech and hate crime (lead 2)

Jessý Jónsdóttir
LUF – National Youth Council of Iceland
- Transversal portfolios: Follow-up to Reykjavik Summit and strengthening of the youth perspective and participation (lead 3)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Working group on Quality Label for Youth Centres (lead 1)

Konstanze Schönfeld
World Esperanto Youth Organisation (TEJO)
- Transversal portfolios: EC/CoE Partnership (lead 3)
- PFG1: Access to rights, Mobility - including EYCA
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 (lead 1)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, North-South Centre and its Universities (lead 3)

Léonard Ly Tri
CNAJEP - Committee for National and International relations between youth and non-formal education organisations of France
- Transversal portfolios: National Outreach and National Youth Councils (lead 2)

Marharyta Vorykhava
RADA – Belarusian National Youth Council
- Transversal portfolios: Co-operation with PACE (lead 1)
- PFG1: Access to rights, Revitalising democracy in Belarus (lead 1)

Mariam Tartousi
No Hate Speech Network (NHSN)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, World Forum for Democracy (lead 1)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Inclusion and support of young refugees in Europe (lead 2); Mainstreaming disability issues (lead 3); Anti-discrimination (including antisemitism, anti-muslim hatred and other forms of intolerance), combating hate speech and hate crime (lead 3); Inclusion and support of young refugees in Europe (lead 2)

Maria-Nadia Tismănaru
Timiș County Youth Foundation
- PFG1: Access to rights, Human Rights Education with Young People / Education for Democratic Citizenship (lead 1)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Working group on Quality Label for Youth Centres (lead (lead 2)

Matias Rubio
La Bardal NGO
- Transversal portfolios: Revitalising pluralistic democracy & follow-up to the campaign (lead 3)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, co-operation with the Congress
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Young people in rural communities (lead 2)

Maurizio Cuttin
BYC – British Youth Council
Vice-chair of the Advisory Council on Youth
- Transversal portfolios: Revitalising pluralistic democracy & follow-up to the campaign (lead 1)
- PFG1 access to rights (co-ordinator)
PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Inclusion and support of young refugees in Europe (lead 1)

Nina Grmuša
European Federation for Intercultural Learning (EFIL)
Chair of the Advisory Council on Youth
- Transversal portfolios: Co-operation with PACE (lead 2); Follow-up to the Reykjavik Summit and strengthening of the youth perspective and participation (lead 1)

Noah Kramer
World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM)
- Transversal portfolios: Visibility and communications (lead 3)
PFG1: Access to rights, Implementation and review of CM/Rec on young people’s access to rights
PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 (lead 3)

Péter Török
Federation of Children’s and Youth Municipal Councils
- PFG1: Access to rights, Human Rights Education with Young People /Education for Democratic Citizenship (lead 2)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Combating disinformation and fake news including ERYICA (lead 1); World Forum for Democracy (lead 2)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Gender Equality and LGBTQ+ rights (lead 2)

Petr Pavel Banda
IQ Roma servis
- CMJ Rapporteur on Roma[1] and Traveller Issues
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Roma and other autochthonous minorities (lead 1)
[1] The term “Roma and Travellers” is used at the Council of Europe to encompass the wide diversity of the groups covered by the work of the Council of Europe in this field: on the one hand a) Roma, Sinti/Manush, Calé, Kaale, Romanichals, Boyash/Rudari; b) Balkan Egyptians (Egyptians and Ashkali); c) Eastern groups (Dom, Lom and Abdal); and, on the other, groups such as Travellers, Yenish, and the populations designated under the administrative term “Gens du voyage”, as well as persons who identify themselves as Gypsies.

Riikka Pasanen
EEE-YFU – European Educational Exchanges – Youth for Understanding
Interim Bureau member
- Transversal portfolios: Visibility and communications (lead 1)
- PFG1: Access to rights, Steering Committee for Education (CDEDU) (lead 2)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Protection and promotion of the memory and historical heritage of the youth sector / youth civil society (lead 2)

Roberta Bojang
OJUEA – Organisation des Jeunes pour l'Union Européenne et Africaine – Youth EU AU
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Euro-Arab Youth Co-operation (lead 2); North-South Centre and its Universities (lead 1)

Sean Currie
FYEG – Federation of Young European Greens
- Transversal portfolios: EC/CoE partnership (lead 1)
- PFG1: Access to rights, Environment (lead 2)

Stanislava Stefanova
AEGEE – European Students’ Forum
- CMJ Gender Equality Rapporteur
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Co-operation with the Conference of INGOs (lead 2)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, North-South Centre and its Universities (lead 2); Gender Equality and LGBTQ+ rights (lead 1)

Xesc Mainzer
JEF – Young European Federalists
- Transversal portfolios: Revitalising pluralistic democracy & follow-up to the campaign (lead 2)
- PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030 (lead 2); Protection and promotion of the memory and historical heritage of the youth sector / youth civil society (lead 1)
- PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Roma[1] and other autochthonous minorities (lead 2)
[1] The term “Roma and Travellers” is used at the Council of Europe to encompass the wide diversity of the groups covered by the work of the Council of Europe in this field: on the one hand a) Roma, Sinti/Manush, Calé, Kaale, Romanichals, Boyash/Rudari; b) Balkan Egyptians (Egyptians and Ashkali); c) Eastern groups (Dom, Lom and Abdal); and, on the other, groups such as Travellers, Yenish, and the populations designated under the administrative term “Gens du voyage”, as well as persons who identify themselves as Gypsies.

Yevheniia Fedotova
IFLRY – International Federation of Liberal Youth
- Transversal portfolios: Co-operation with PACE (lead 3)
PFG2: Youth participation and youth work, Management Committee Ukraine (lead 1)
PFG3: Inclusive and peaceful societies, Euro-Arab Youth Co-operation (lead 1)

Zia Perko Rogelj
CI - Connect International
- Transversal portfolios: Visibility and communications (lead 2)
- PFG1: Access to rights, Digitalisation and young people, including CAI (lead 2)