In order to support the implementation of the guidelines contained in this recommendation, the Council of Europe Youth Department shall:
support capacity-building and awareness-raising activities with relevant stakeholders in the programme of the European Youth Centres and through activities funded by the European Youth Foundation;
support the dissemination of this recommendation in member states;
ensure inter-institutional co-operation in the promotion of this recommendation.
You can find information on the activities of the youth sector of the Council of Europe with refugees and asylum seekers on the Youth - Peace - Dialogue page.
This is a project of the Youth Department that seeks to reduce the risks of social exclusion and violence to which young refugees, especially minors in transition to adulthood, are exposed. It supports the social inclusion of young refugees and their access to education, self-development and autonomy through youth work and non-formal education activities.
Presentation of Recommendation CM/rec(2019)4 on supporting young refugees in transition to adulthood to the first Council of Europe meeting of focal points dealing with migration issues at national level (Strasbourg, 28-29 November 2019), organised by the office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General on migration and refugees. Representatives of relevant ministries from 25 Council of Europe member states learned about the practical guidelines in the recommendation. Read more.