Our Youth Strategy
Like any organisation, the Council of Europe youth sector needs a strategy in order to set its direction and to establish its priorities. We and our partners need to know where we’re going, why we are going there, what we want to have achieved once we have arrived.
On 22 January 2020, the Committee of Ministers adopted the Council of Europe youth sector strategy 2030. The Strategy defines the framework within which the Council of Europe youth sector will pursue its aim to enable young people across Europe to actively uphold, defend, promote and benefit from the Council of Europe’s core values of human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
Where does the strategy come from?
A strategy does not appear overnight. This is why the Joint Council on Youth spent the last two years exploring what should be in the youth sector strategy 2030. Following an analysis of the key highlights and achievements of the last strategy - Agenda 2020, the Joint Council drew up a roadmap for the development of the Council of Europe's guiding document. Several stakeholders were involved in the process at different moments in time. Click on the button below to find a description of the complete process.
What was Agenda 2020?
“Agenda 2020” was a medium-term strategic document on youth policy. It was unanimously approved by the youth ministers of almost 50 European States at the 8th Council of Europe Conference of Ministers responsible for Youth in Kyiv on 10-11 October 2008. It expressed the pan-European consensus on the principles, priorities and approaches of the youth sector's work.