Youth Department
The Youth Department will:
- develop and publish youth- and user-friendly versions of the recommendation, as well as the guide "Taking it Seriously" ;
- develop and disseminate educational tools to raise awareness of social rights;
- initiate pilot training activities in co-operation with municipal youth work departments of a number of selected cities interested in implementing specific measures;
- publicise practices and initiatives of projects from the Enter! Long-term training course (LTTC) participants;
- include the recommendation and its principles in other relevant areas of its work (youth policy development, quality label of youth centres, etc.);
- co-ordinate with and involve the Congress in the process.
Thanks to an initiative of the Council of Europe Congress’ youth delegates, who drew the attention of the Congress to the still existing significant disparities in the implementation of the social rights guaranteed by the European Social Charter and its collective complaints mechanism, the Congress has adopted a report on the social rights of young people. In Resolution 442(2019) and Recommendation 433(2019), the Congress calls on local and regional authorities, as bodies which have competences in the social field, to consider these rights a priority for their policies, and on member states to ratify the Social Charter, to accept the collective complaints procedures and to involve local and regional authorities in the Social Charter monitoring mechanism respectively.