Protecting Human Rights
- European Court of Human Rights
- Artificial intelligence and human rights
- Human Rights and Biomedicine
- Covid-19 and Human Rights
- Abolition of the death penalty
- Effectiveness of the Human Rights Convention (ECHR) system at national and European level
- European Committee for the Prevention of Torture - CPT
- Execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights
- HELP - European Programme for Human Rights Education for Legal Professionals
- Human Rights Trust Fund
- Human Rights Intergovernmental Cooperation - CDDH
- Implementation of Human Rights, Justice and legal co-operation standards
- OCEAN – Open Council of Europe academic networks
- Safety of journalists Platform
Promoting Human Rights
- Commissioner for Human Rights
- Freedom of expression
- Steering Committee on Media and Information Society - CDMSI
- Steering Committee on Anti-Discrimination, Diversity and Inclusion (CDADI)
- Gender equality
- Violence against women and domestic violence - GREVIO
- Trafficking in Human Beings - GRETA
- Rights of Persons with Disabilities
- Racism and intolerance - ECRI
- Roma and Travellers
- Migrants' rights
- Antisemitism
- National minorities - FCNM
- Regional and minority languages
- Education policy
- Children's rights
- Intercultural cities programme
- Sexual orientation and gender identity - LGBT
Democratic governance
- Parliamentary Assembly PACE
- Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
- Civil Society Portal
- Democracy and Human Dignity
- Elections
- Participatory democracy
- Multilevel governance
- Education policy
- Culture and Cultural Heritage
- Youth policy
- World Forum for Democracy
- Steering Committee on Democracy (CDDEM)
Sustainable Democratic Societies
- The Secretariat of the Partial Agreement on the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB)
- Cultural diversity - Cultural routes
- Eurimages - European Cinema Support Fund
- Intercultural dialogue - North-South Centre
- Education for democratic citizenship
- Intercultural education - European Centre for Modern Languages ECML
- Reykjavík process and the Environment
- Bern Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats
- Council of Europe Landscape Convention
- Natural catastrophes - Major Natural and Technological Disasters EUR-OPA
- Protecting the environment using human rights law
Common standards and policies
- European Commission for Democracy through Law - Venice Commission
- Crime problems - European Committee on Crime Problems - CDPC
- Prisons and Community Sanctions and Measures
- Data protection
- Tromsø Convention - Access to official documents
- Transnational Criminal Justice
- European Committee on Legal Co-operation - CDCJ
- Public International Law - Committee of Legal Advisers - CAHDI
- European Audiovisual Observatory
- Freedom of Expression
- Internet governance
- Sport
Threats to the Rule of Law
- Group of States against Corruption - GRECO
- Money laundering - MONEYVAL
- Criminal Asset Recovery Convention – Conference of the Parties to CETS 198
- Cooperation in Police and Deprivation of Liberty
- Action against Corruption and Economic Crime
- Committee on Counter-Terrorism - CDCT
- Cybercrime
- Counterfeiting of medical products - MEDICRIME Convention
- Pompidou Group (Council of Europe International Cooperation Group on Drugs and Addictions)