The Council of Europe Youth Department and the Ministry of Youth and Sport of the Republic of Azerbaijan co-organised a Long-term training course for trainers from Azerbaijan involved in educational activities with young people based on non-formal education (TRAYAZE). This corresponds to the priorities of the Council of Europe Action Plan for Azerbaijan. With this activity it is expected to expand the number of trainers competent to support and develop quality non-formal learning activities, including human rights education approaches, with young people in Azerbaijan.

 Improving the quality and promoting the recognition of youth work and non-formal education has been on the agenda of the Council of Europe Youth Sector for many years. The importance and value of youth work and non-formal education is reflected on Recommendation CM/Rec(2003)8 of the Committee of Ministers on the promotion and recognition of non-formal education/learning of young people. The role of non-formal education as a methodology and approach in enabling quality youth activities is also recognised within the Council of Europe Youth Sector strategy 2030, adopted by the Committee of Ministers in 2020. Non-formal education is an important way for young people to learn and practice skills for self-development and to fully participate in all aspects of society.

 TRAYAZE responds to the needs identified by both governmental and non-governmental partners of the Council of Europe in Azerbaijan who are committed to promote both the social recognition and the quality of non-formal education with young people in Azerbaijan.  

 TRAYAZE should bring together a total of up to 30 participants with the profile, experience and motivation to act as trainers and multipliers and apply the Council of Europe Youth Department quality standards in education and training activities in Azerbaijan.

 The activity is organised within the Council of Europe Action Plan for Azerbaijan in the framework of the project "Supporting the development of the participative and rights-based youth policies and values-based youth work in Azerbaijan”.


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