Back The CMJ expresses its unwavering solidarity and support to Ukraine

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

Photo by Gayatri Malhotra on Unsplash

At its 46th meeting (Strasbourg, 22-23 March 2022), the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) adopted a statement in which it expressed its unwavering solidarity and support to Ukraine.

The Joint Council pledged to assist its Ukrainian partners in meeting present and future challenges by mobilising the experience, skills and expertise of the Council of Europe's youth sector.

Various actions and measures will be implemented, when and where possible, within the framework of the Youth for Democracy programme for Ukraine, adapting to the situation on the ground. These measures include, for example, assistance to youth workers who are still active in Ukraine, adapting this offer to the youth work being undertaken in the reality of war, as well as action to address the consequences of the conflict and allow youth and human rights activists to share experiences and propose action.

A Joint Council working group has been set up to determine the support activities to be implemented in light of the needs expressed by the Ukrainian authorities.

The Statement of the Joint Council of Youth on Ukraine:

The members of the Joint Council on Youth (CMJ) join the leaders of the Council of Europe in condemning, in the strongest terms, the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine. This aggression is causing immense suffering and hardship, and constitutes a breach of peace of an unprecedented scale on the European continent since the creation of the Council of Europe. We stand with the Secretary General and support her appeal to immediately and unconditionally cease hostilities and return to diplomacy, to restore peace and avoid any further devastating consequences for the entire continent.

The members of the CMJ express their unwavering solidarity and support in these dark times to Ukraine and its young people, its citizens, residents and the undocumented. Our special thoughts go to our Ukrainian partners, in the administration, in civil society and elsewhere, including the National Youth Council of Ukraine and its members, who, as far as conditions have allowed, have courageously continued their work in the understanding that, in the current context, youth work and human rights education are more important than ever.

We agree with the Advisory Council on Youth (statement of 24 February 2022) that this aggression has devastating effects on those living in Ukraine, displacing them and their families, disrupting their lives and education, and violently infringing their fundamental rights. We also draw special attention to the racism being witnessed during the conflict, especially towards civilians seeking safety at borders and rescue missions.

Faced with the magnitude of these challenges, the CMJ will mobilise fully the experience, skills and expertise of the Council of Europe's youth sector and statutory youth committees and is determined to assist its Ukrainian partners in meeting present and future challenges. As a sign of its support, it has prepared a non-exhaustive series of actions and measures, to be refined later in light of the needs of our Ukrainian partners and the evolution of the situation on the ground.

1 April 2022
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