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Youth work realities in Ukraine were presented at the seminar in Lublin

12 September 2024 Lublin, Poland

The Council of Europe project “Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III” presented its work in time of war in Ukraine at the seminar “Solidarity with Ukraine”. The seminar takes place in Lublin on 10-13 September 2024 and gathers participants from Erasmus+/ESC Programme Countries and Ukraine....

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Molodvizh 2024: resources and grants of the European Youth Foundation

7 September 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

On 7 September 2024, more than 200 young people from different regions of Ukraine took part in the All-Ukrainian Youth Forum "Molodvizh", which took place in the city of Lviv – European Youth Capital 2025. The forum is organised by the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, the Department of...

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Council of Europe youth sector mourns activist Yaryna Bazylevych killed in Lviv

4 September 2024

The Council of Europe Youth sector is deeply saddened by the loss of seven lives in attack on Lviv on 4 September 2024, as a result of the Russian war of aggression. Among the victims, we are mourning the 21 years old youth activist Yaryna Bazylevych, who was killed alongside her two sisters and...

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The Council of Europe has trained the trainers team on a trauma-informed approach in the context of access to human rights

23 August 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

In response to the needs of key national and local partners in Ukraine, the Council of Europe projects "Facilitating access to human rights and essential services for internally displaced persons and returnees at the community level" and "Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III" launched the...

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A new visual tool for education from the Council of Europe has been created with young people

19 August 2024 Kyiv, Ukraine

In co-operation with young people and an expert team, the Council of Europe project "Youth for Democracy in Ukraine: Phase III" developed and published the visual tool "Stars. Stars. Les Étoiles." for the education and training of young people and professional communities on human rights,...

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