25 years ago – on 15 December 1995 – the European Youth Centre Budapest (EYCB) opened its doors for the first time. During this past quarter of a century, the EYCB has played an extraordinary role in supporting young people from across the continent, and in particular from central and eastern Europe, to benefit fully from human rights, democracy and the rule of law.
The Council of Europe has always seen young people as an asset to society and a force for positive change. The range of recommendations adopted over the years by the Committee of Ministers is a testament to that point, to cite but a few the recommendations on young people’s access to rights, on access to social rights for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and on youth work. These recommendations show the determination of our Organisation to ensure young people are at the centre of our work, that they benefit from it, and that they are well placed to protect and promote the values for which the Council of Europe stands in an era of democratic disengagement and populism.
While we celebrate this happy anniversary, it is worth remembering the reasons behind the establishment of this European Youth Centre of excellence in Hungary and to remind ourselves of its continued relevance and importance. Read more...