Compass Long-Term Training Course for Trainers on Human Rights Education with Young People in Ukraine
The context
The Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine are co-org
With this activity, the Council of Europe and the Ukrainian partners expect to expand the number of trainers competent to support and develop quality human rights education and non-formal learning activities with young people in Ukraine. The course is also part of the Framework Programme of cooperation between the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sport of Ukraine.
Aims and objectives
Aims of the Training Course
In view of the above, the Compass LTTC for Trainers has a strategic function in supporting the implementation of these instruments across the various regions and social contexts of Ukraine. While trainers by themselves cannot implement the measures in the legislative texts above-mentioned, they can contribute to the capacity-building of other trainers and youth workers and, in so doing, introducing qualitative changes in the way youth-oriented projects and activities are conceived and delivered.
By associating youth trainers to their projects in Ukraine, both the Council of Europe and the Ministry of Youth and Sport seek to strengthen the role of youth multipliers in leading change projects and also to renew and expand the number of specialists and experts in youth work and non-formal education in Ukraine.
The overall aim of the LTTC is to support the implementation and development of youth policy and youth work in Ukraine through quality non-formal education activities using a human rights-based approach and quality standards of the Council of Europe.
- To develop the capacity of a group of 30 trainers from all regions in Ukraine and enabling them to apply key approaches, concepts and practices of education for democratic citizenship and human rights education (EDC/HRE) in non-formal education projects and activities for and with young people across Ukraine
- To support the implementation of youth policy projects, especially dealing with civic engagement and citizenship education, at national, regional and local level, according to qualitative standards of the Council of Europe and the requirements of youth-policy related instruments in Ukraine
- To foster co-operation between public authorities, especially at regional and local level, and youth organisations in Ukraine for the benefit of meaningful forms of youth participation along the principles of the Revised European Charter on the Participation of Young People in Local and Regional Life by targeted interventions and pilot activities
- To further disseminate and apply Council of Europe standards on human rights education with young people in Ukraine within youth organisations and in projects of public authorities
- To promote the quality and sustainability of non-formal education and training activities with young people in Ukraine
- To contribute to the development of networks of trainers and communities of practice using human rights-based approaches in non-formal education with young people, thus improving the quality and outreach of youth work in Ukraine.
- To strengthen participants understanding and competences to use and adapt human rights-based approach in non-formal education activities on local and national level in Ukraine;
- To support the development of needs and competence-based approaches to training activities with young people
- To initiate and support pilot activities with young people in Ukraine based on non-formal learning and human rights education with a view to develop criteria and indicators for similar future projects
- To further associate the participants and their (youth) organisations with the priorities of the Youth Department of the Council of Europe and the various policies and programmes of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport of Ukraine
- To support the capacity and outreach of youth organisations in Ukraine, especially at local and regional level.
The course should also contribute to the creation or development of a pool of trainers competent in non-formal education and youth work in Ukraine.
Competences to be addressed in the course
The course contents and methodology are designed so that the participants will be able to develop (or begin developing) core competencies for trainers in human rights education with young people and apply the learning acquired from this experience to other activities in which they are expected to perform as trainers or facilitators of learning processes.
Competence framework of the course
Methodology and main features
A Long-term training course is a thorough and complex capacity-building activity that combines various features, working methods for personal and professional development and practical experience of the participants. The course will give participants-trainers the opportunities to experience and reflect upon activities and concepts central to human rights education based on experiential learning approaches from the perspective of trainers-learners.
Central to the course concept is the project/practice on human rights education and non-formal learning that each participant will be required plan and implement during the project phase. All the phases of the course are inter-twined and interdependent as they support a holistic learning process that involves knowledge, skills and attitudes.
Main features and phases of the long-term training course
Initial training seminar (Irpen, Ukraine): 24 November – 2 December 2019
The participants will develop a shared understanding and ownership of the training process, set up objectives for learning and development, master the institutional and educational frameworks of the course and improve their knowledge on human rights education, non-formal learning, youth policy in Ukraine and project development. The projects for the practice phase will be planned developed. Personal learning objectives will be set and agreed on the basis of a self-assessment of competences undertaken prior to the seminar.
E-learning: from November 2019 till September 2020
The focus of the e-learning is to support development of common competences on key thematic areas of the course, as well as specific learning needs of individual participants, with an emphasis on deepening knowledge and understanding. It will thus consist of mandatory and optional modules.
E-learning will be mostly delivered in the Moodle e-learning platform of the Council of Europe Youth Department. Estimated availability required: 2 hours per week.
Project phase: from January 2020 to September 2020
The participants will prepare and implement educational projects and activities for human rights education. The projects should be developed within, or with the support of, participants’ sending organisations and in accordance with the criteria detailed below. Educational advice and institutional support will be provided to all projects.
Mid-term regional meeting(s)
2 days between March-June 2020 with the purpose to support participants for further learning, to address potential problems with the projects and to support networking and peer support among participants. Each participant is expected to one meeting on dates to be agreed with the group.
In between the meetings, each participant will be assigned a trainer-mentor to support and monitor the personal learning process, advise and where necessary link with the course organisers. Estimated time required: 2 hours per month on average.
Consolidation and evaluation seminar
Consolidation and evaluation seminar at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg: September 2020. The seminar will be dedicated to the evaluation of participants’ learning through the practice of their projects. The programme will also include additional training elements in order to consolidate participants’ knowledge and understanding of the human rights and non-formal education standards of the Council of Europe. Plans for follow-up and possible creation of a pool of trainers will also be addressed.
The LTTC brings together 28 youth workers, trainers or facilitators, employed or volunteers, active in or cooperating with non-governmental youth organisations or local authorities and directly working with young people from all regions of Ukraine.
List of Participants
Participants projects