Retour No Hate Speech - Workshop Week

No Hate Speech - Workshop Week

 The No Hate Speech workshop week successfully started with a workshop on media and information literacy.

The workshop week takes places from 22-26 June and aims to provide practical tools to address hate speech. Some 50 multipliers active with young people on combating hate speech signed up for the 5 different workshops offered during the week, including experts working on standards on fighting discrimination and hate speech, and activists using human rights education and counter-narratives for awareness-raising against hate speech.

 The programme of the week includes workshops on:

22 June: Media and Information literacy

This workshop will address ways to use digital media in a conscious and critical way. The participants will look at media literacy as one of the tools to act against fake news, extremism and hate speech.

23 June: How to take action against hate speech trough Counter and Alternative narratives (CANs)

During the workshop, the participants will explore counter and alternative narratives and will practice designing CANs to combat hate speech based on WE CAN manual.

24 June: Engaging with Council of Europe’s work on combating Hate Speech

This session will include a short introduction to the Council of Europe’s work on addressing hate speech, with a focus on Anti-Discrimination, followed by an open space for questions, reflections and exploration of challenges in members states that touch on the mandate of the Council of Europe.

25 June: Advocacy for Human Rights

During this workshop the participants will explore examples of advocacy on local and national level, engagement in the policy making processes and ways how to connect and do advocacy using the Council of Europe's standards and approaches.

26 June: Human rights education

This workshop aims to introduce participants to the educational approaches to human rights education as outlined in Compass and Bookmarks and the competences to be developed through human rights education.


23 June 2020
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