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Retour APPLE A CANDIDATURES: Compass Long-Term Training Course for Trainers on Human Rights Education with Young People in Ukraine

La date limite: 13:00, Kyiv time 28 octobre 2019
APPLE A CANDIDATURES:  Compass Long-Term Training Course for Trainers on Human Rights Education with Young People in Ukraine

The call for participants for the Compass Long-Term Training Course for Trainers on Human Rights Education with Young People in Ukraine is now open.

The overall aim of the training course is to support the implementation and development of youth policy and youth work in Ukraine through quality non-formal education activities using a human rights based approach and quality standards of the Council of Europe.

The training course will contribute to development of trainers’ competences necessary to implement quality non-formal education activities based on human rights education approaches to support youth work and youth policy development and implementation in Ukraine. Key concepts and practical application of human rights education, citizenship and civic education, non-formal learning, youth work and youth policy will be introduced and explored as they form the common ground to all participant upon which additional or specific competences may be added.

The main features and phases of the long-term training course are:
  • Initial training seminar (Irpen, Ukraine): 24 November – 2 December 2019
  • E-learning: from November 2019 till September 2020: Estimated availability required: 2 hours per week.
  • Project phase: from January 2020 to September 2020 the participants will prepare and implement educational projects and activities for human rights education. The projects should be developed within, or with the support of, participants’ sending organisations.
  • Mid-term regional meeting(s)
  • Mentoring: 2 hours per month on average.
  • Consolidation and evaluation seminar at the European Youth Centre in Strasbourg: September 2020.

For more information please check the call

Apply on-line

Application deadline: 13:00, Kyiv time on 28 October 2019

11 octobre 2019
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