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Retour Call for applications: World Forum for Democracy 2019 - Youth Delegation

Deadline for applications: 12 July 2019 CET 13:00 (1 p.m.)
Call for applications: World Forum for Democracy 2019 - Youth Delegation

Democracy and information” is the theme of the World Forum for Democracy in 2019 with two main threads:

  • Democracy dies in darkness: are we getting the information we need?
  • Information and the Future: lost in space or masters of our own fate?

The questions we must address in 2019 are to what extent the information is reliable, whether this helps or hinders citizens in taking part in democratic processes, and what lessons we should learn for ensuring the free flow of information in the future.

The core content of the Forum will consist of discussions about successful initiatives and actions, which have real-life initiatives as a starting point. General guiding principles will then be drawn to encourage and support future policy responses and field action.

In this context, the Youth Department of the Council of Europe will invite 50-60 young people to participate and engage with decision-makers and opinion-formers in a reflection on the question of Democracy and Information.


Applications procedure

All candidates must apply in 2 parts:

  1. An online application form should be completed via this link: https://youthapplications.coe.int/Application-forms 
  2. A short 1 minute video should be posted on YouTube, with the link attached to the online application form (see instructions below).

The application form must be submitted on-line before Friday 12 July 2019 CET 13:00 (1 p.m.), together with a support letter from your NGO/sending organization if this is appropriate.   In case of technical problems with the use of the platform, please send an e-mail to youthapplications[at]coe.int .

Read call document

Technical note on how to upload a Youtube video


European Youth Centre, Strasbourg Youth training: 4 - 5 November 2019 World Forum for Democracy: 6 - 8 November 2019
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