Le Conseil de l’Europe encourage à se porter candidate toute personne ayant les qualifications exigées, sans distinction de sexe, de genre, d’orientation sexuelle, d’origine ethnique ou sociale, de handicap, de religion ou de convictions.

Retour Training Course "Enter! Youth Centres and access to social rights of young people"

Deadline for applications: 5 December 2017, NOON CET
Training Course

Training course for the staff of youth centres in the network of the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres

The training course aims to develop participants’ competences in developing and running educational programmes and youth work on access to social rights of young people, especially those experiencing discrimination, violence and/or exclusion. The training course will pay a particular attention to the policy dimension of education and youth work and the role of the youth centres in the implementation of the Enter! recommendation.

The programme of the training course will be based on blended non-formal education. Online learning units will ensure a similar degree of knowledge amongst participants in respect to the Quality Label for Youth Centres project, the Council of Europe and its work on access to rights of young people, especially to social rights. The residential seminar will focus on holistic competence development and experience sharing among participants with an approach based on non-formal learning, with a strong emphasis on peer sharing.

The online learning phase will start on 10 January 2018 and will last until 26 February. Following the residential training course, online coaching will be available upon demand for the participants in the training course.

Apply on-line at http://youthapplications.coe.int/Application-forms

Training course presentation

Deadline: 5 December 2017, NOON CET

Marienthal Youth Centre Luxembourg 26 February-1 March 2018
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