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Retour Seminar "Youth participation in Internet Governance"

Deadline for applications is Wednesday, 6 September 2017, 13:00 CET

The seminar “Youth participation in Internet Governance” will explore how participation of young people in shaping the Internet can be ensured without reproducing and creating new patterns of exclusion and will formulate recommendations for future action to be taken by the Youth Department of the Council of Europe in order to support young people and their organisations meaningful participation in Internet Governance processes.
The three day programme will aim to provide a space for participants to learn about the topic of the seminar, to share from their practices and experience, to identify challenges and opportunities and work towards a common approach and actions. The programme will therefore include plenary presentations and several working group sessions.

All interested candidates are requested to duly complete the application form at http://youthapplications.coe.int  together with all relevant support documents.

 The deadline for applications is Wednesday, 6 September 2017, 13:00 CET.

Seminar presentation

European youth Centre Strasbourg, France 24-26 October 2017
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