Retour New series of publications - Quality Label for Youth Centres

New series of publications - Quality Label for Youth Centres

The Council of Europe Quality Label for youth centres programme was launched more than a decade ago, with the main aim to enhance quality in youth work and networking among youth centres across Europe aspiring to the values of the Council of Europe. A new series of publications have been developed to provide a comprehensive overview of the programme and to ensure a common understanding among labelled youth centres.

The brochure entitled ‘The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres – Role, Value and Impact of Youth Centres’ describes the function of youth centres and their potential contribution to youth work and youth policy. ‘The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres – Good Practices in Youth Centres’ aims to complement existing publications and provide concrete examples of successful practices implemented in quality-labelled youth centres which can illustrate how a centre can fulfil the quality criteria effectively. ‘The Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres – Quality Management’ proposes a common approach for the labelled centres to address quality, quality management and reporting.

These brochures have been developed in close collaboration with the National Youth Service in Luxembourg and the youth centres which are part of the Quality Label for youth centres network.

The online versions of the publications are available on the Quality Label website .

19 June 2020
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