Retour EYCB hosts the study session 'Ending Youth Homelessness by Addressing Trauma'

EYCB hosts the study session 'Ending Youth Homelessness by Addressing Trauma'

 This week, the Council of Europe Youth Department, in cooperation with FEANTSA Youth, is organising a study session titled 'Ending Youth Homelessness by Addressing Trauma.'
The activity is taking place at the European Youth Centre Budapest from October 16 to 20. It brings together 34 practitioners from 15 member states of the Council of Europe who are working and learning together to support homeless service providers in adapting trauma-informed care to the needs of young people.

The programme of the session is built around the following objectives:

  • Framing youth homelessness as a violation of human rights.
  • Understanding what trauma is and its connection to experiences of homelessness.
  • Understanding the connection between trauma and how young people engage or disengage from services.
  • Recognizing trauma as an obstacle to accessing human rights.
  • Understanding how to apply trauma-informed care.
  • Developing competences to adapt trauma-informed care to their services, including target groups such as LGBTIQ youth, unaccompanied minors, young people with experience of gender-based violence, and young migrants.

The study session also features a guest lecture by Prof. Anthony Bates from University College Dublin on working in a trauma-sensitive way with young people. The example of a trauma informed gynaecological service for women experiencing homelessness will also be presented to participants by by Boroka Féher, Réka Lánszki and Tamás Gerencser from the local social service “BMSZKI “based in Budapest, Hungary. By the end of the activity, participants will design actions for applying an intersectional approach in their work within the context of working with young people through their organisations.

 For more information about the study session, please consult the dedicated webpage.

18 October 2023
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