Retour Enhancing the Role of Youth Centres in Azerbaijan

Enhancing the Role of Youth Centres in Azerbaijan

 Representatives of 22 Youth Houses and 52 Youth Development and Career Centres in Azerbaijan took an active participation in a seminar dedicated to developing participatory, needs-based and youth-centred approaches for these facilities. The online seminar took place on 18 and 19 November and is a first step of a longer process of strengthening the role of youth houses and youth centres in promoting Council of Europe standards on youth work and youth participation.


The seminar was organized within the framework of youth dimension of the Council of Europe Action Plan on Azerbaijan, which prioritises capacity-building activities with youth workers and youth leaders to integrate citizenship and human rights education in youth work. The seminar was co-organised with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Azerbaijan, the main partner in the project.

 Youth development is a process that prepares young people to understand human values and encourages them to develop their knowledges, skills, and competencies for growing own potential. Youth development is promoted by Youth centers through activities and experiences that help youth develop social, ethical, emotional, physical, and cognitive competencies. The Council of Europe has elaborated quality standards for youth centers and youth reflected notably on the Committee of Ministers Recommendation on Youth Work and the Quality Label for Youth Centers.

In the two-day programme, the participants discussed general objectives, features and approaches helps the staff of the centres to understand their mission better, to situate their work and it also contributes to its validation.

22 November 2021
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