Retour Croatian COMPASS training course completed

Croatian COMPASS training course completed

The National Training Course for Human Rights Education in Croatia was held from 14 - 18 October in Zagreb. The course was organised in cooperation with the Croatian Youth Network and the association Carpe Diem. A total of 15 participants, coming from different nongovernmental organizations from all over of Croatia took part in the activity. All participants are engaged as multipliers of Human Rights Education with young people in their communities.

During the training the participants were introduced with human rights, minority rights and the system of protection of human rights with focus on the role of Council of Europe. They explored further Human Rights Education approaches based on COMPASS and discuss about their experiences and ideas to promote democratic citizenship on European and national level.

 The course was also focused on providing spaces to develop skills as trainers on HRE topics with young people, as well as, competences in advocating for promotion and protection of human rights. The participants developed 6 follow-up local activities which should promote and support more accessible quality HRE in Croatia. 

19 October 2020
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