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Retour Call for participants: Online Consultative Meeting APPLYING INTERSECTIONALITY IN THE YOUTH FIELD

Call for participants: Online Consultative Meeting APPLYING INTERSECTIONALITY IN THE YOUTH FIELD


The consultative meeting aims to build a common understanding of the experiences, opportunities and roles of the youth sector in promoting social inclusion, fostering active participation and combating discrimination taking an intersectional approach intersectional approach. It will identify and reflect upon examples from the youth sector in applying intersectional approach in their work and are based on the Council of Europe standards and resources. More specifically the consultative meeting will serve to:

  • Build a common understanding of intersectionality based on the theoretical concept, it’s history, development, context in current society and political dimension,
  • Understand, explore and discuss the meaning and application of an intersectional approach in the youth sector,
  • Identify experiences, examples and expectations from the youth field in applying the theoretical frameworks of intersectionality into practice,
  • Propose examples of educational activities, tools and approaches on the basis of intersectionality that are applicable and used in youth work and training activities.
  • Identify what the youth sector stakeholders can do to further apply an intersectional approach in their work.


 Apply online

  Deadline for applications: 5 February 2021, 23:59 PM (CET)   

24-26 February 2021
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