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Retour Appel à candidatures: Study session on exploring mental health as a disability issue

Date limite de candidature: 22 fevrier 2019
Appel à candidatures: Study session on exploring mental health as a disability issue

The study session "Mind the gap: supporting young disabled people’s right to live independently and to be included in the community through exploring mental health as a disability issue" will take place between 17 - 22 June 2019, European Youth Centre Strasbourg.

It is co-organised by the European Network on Independent Living Youth Network, the Euro Youth Mental Health, and the Youth Department of the Council of Europe. The aim is to support young people’s right to live independently and to be included in the community through exploring mental health as a disability issue.

  Detailed information on the session

 Apply on-line

Deadline for applications: 22 February 2019

Centre européen de la jeunesse de Strasbourg 17 - 22 juin 2019
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