Retour Active involvement of the Quality Label network of Youth Centres in the 3rd European Youth Work Convention

Active involvement of the Quality Label network of Youth Centres in the  3rd European Youth Work Convention

“The Bonn Process is our common effort and it is no less than the young people of Europe demand and deserve.”

 21 representatives from 11 youth centres holding the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres participated in the 3rd European Youth Work Convention (EYWC) with the main aim to strengthen youth work by highlighting the importance of European Youth Centres as standard-setting instruments and emphasizing the crucial role of the network in promoting quality youth work development on a local, national and European level.

The European Youth Work Convention is the central platform for discussing the latest developments in youth work practice and youth policy in Europe. Hosted by the German Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth who holds the Presidency of Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe, and co-organised by JUGEND für Europa, the German National Agency for the EU programmes Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps, the 3rd EYWC took place between 7-10 December 2020. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Convention was exceptionally held online, providing space for nearly 1000 professionals and multipliers from youth work practice, youth policy and youth research to get involved in this prominent event and to kick off the implementation of the European Youth Work Agenda (EYWA).

 The Convention has, through intense discussion and debates among participants, created ideas and proposals for activities and measures relevant for and covering all aspects of the diverse youth work reality. The adoption of the Final Declaration is a milestone to reach a common ground and to improve youth work across Europe in the coming years. The youth centres in the Quality Label network remain committed to support the implementation of the Agenda through what is to be known as the Bonn Process – this is no less than the young people of Europe demand and deserve.

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