Retour 50/50 Seminar report now available

50/50 Seminar report now available

THE 50/50 TRAINING SEMINAR “Synergies to implement the Youth Work Recommendation CM/Rec (2017)4: Can the European Youth Card be used as the policy tool?” (25-26 April 2022) and the European University on Youth Policies (so called CDEJ Spring University, 27-29 April 2022) was organised in La Valletta, Malta, and are co-organised with the Youth Agency of Malta (Aġenzija Żgħażagħ).

The 50/50 training seminar focused on supporting policy makers to implement youth work policies and services meeting the standards of the Council of Europe in this field. Using as a starting point the Council of Europe Recommendation CM/REC (2017)4 on Youth Work addressed to its member governments but also other resources available, the seminar aimed to:

  • Strengthen the capacity of policy makers and youth card organisations to work together in implementing Council of Europe standards in the field of youth work;
  • Offer a unique space for members of the PA on Youth Mobility to build stronger partnerships with their country’s counterparts from the European Youth Card organisation (where relevant);
  • Identify possible synergies between different policy processes and understand better the role of the European Youth Card in addressing youth work challenges.

   Report of the seminar

The European University on Youth Policies (so called CDEJ Spring University): The activity seeks to provide members of the CDEJ and Advisory Council (notably new members) with a learning experience which is likely to improve their motivation and capacity to actively participate in the work of the Council of Europe youth sector, notably in its co-management structures and to promote the Council of Europe standards in Youth Policy.

In accordance with the Council of Europe’s package of youth policy development measures, the main objectives of the Summer University are:

  • to familiarise participants with the values, objectives, programmes and structures of the Council of Europe and its Youth Department, including the COE youth sector’s current priority issues its co-operation with the European Union;
  • to improve participants’ understanding of the Council of Europe approaches to youth policy;
  • to facilitate peer advice, networking and exchange good practices;
  • to acquaint participants with the reality of youth, and youth work, in the host country

This year’s Spring University will specifically focus on the five strategic priorities for 2022‐25 which are:

  • Revitalising pluralistic democracy
  • Young people’s access to rights
  • Living together in peaceful and inclusive societies
  • Youth work
  • Intergovernmental co-operation on youth policy

And which enable:

  • young people from all spectra of European societies become empowered to participate in pluralistic democracy and promote human rights to build inclusive societies based on being equal in dignity and rights.
  • member States to take concrete measures to develop and implement youth policies based on Council of Europe standards thereby facilitating young people's access to rights.
Santa Venera, Malta 25-29 April 2022
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