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Review Seminar on Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 on Youth Work

 The two-day review seminar that took place from 3-4 April 2023 brought together 20 participants, representatives of ministries as well as civil society. The purpose of the seminar was to discuss the implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 on Youth Work in member states and the visions and needs for further implementation in the future.

The Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 on Youth Work is the first internationally agreed policy document that explicitly focuses on youth work, its value for society, and the way forward for its quality development in Europe.

During the seminar, the participants discussed the progress made in implementing the recommendation in member states. They also shared their experiences and best practices in promoting youth work, identifying the challenges and opportunities encountered in the process. Additionally, the group discussed the need for further development and improvement in the quality of youth work in Europe.

In conclusion, the review seminar was an important platform for stakeholders to come together and discuss the progress and challenges in implementing the Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 on Youth Work in member states.

The outcomes of the review seminar will be taken into account in the framework of the research conducted by senior researchers that will produce the review of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)4 on Youth Work. One of the main focuses of the review will be:

How do the 46 member states of the Council of Europe, proportionally followed by other actors of the Council of Europe youth sector, contribute towards the aims and goals of the recommendation?

 Stay tuned, the final review will be available in November 2023.

Strasbourg 3-4 April 2023
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