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Retour CALL to youth organisations for applications for activities in the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg or Budapest

CALL to youth organisations for applications for activities in the European Youth Centres in Strasbourg or Budapest

We are pleased to inform you that the process for applications for activities to be held in co-operation with the European Youth Centres in the first semester of 2018 is now open. These activities concern, for the main part, study sessions and ''special projects''. The specific conditions and criteria for the activities can be consulted on the attached document, together with an application form.

The programme of activities for 2018 will be run according to the expected results decided by the Joint Council on Youth for the biennium 2018-2019.

We invite you to submit proposals for activities falling within the following expected results:

Expected Result 1: Young people accessing their rights and advocating for human rights and citizenship education

Expected Result 2: Young people participating in democracy and developing youth policy and youth work at local, regional national and European level

Expected Result 3: Young people engaging in and leading intercultural dialogue as a result of the Council of Europe's support to young people, youth organisations and youth workers in preventing and combating discrimination, exclusion and violent extremism

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