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Enter! Policy measures for local authorities

In 2018, for the first time local and regional authorities were specifically invited by the Youth Department to propose measures to implement or improve their work on young people’s access to social rights. Seven activities have been included in the programme, 5 of them recently held:

  • Nyíregyháza, Hungary: a training couse for 20 representatives of local institutions and civil society organisations on how to implement the Enter! Recommendation and devise measures to prevent early school leaving was implemented between 8-10 November in cooperation with the municipality of Nyíregyháza.
  • Varaždin, Croatia: Empowering youth from disadvantaged neighbourhoods through non-formal education and youth work” was be held from 7 to 9 December 2018. This training course introduced the main measures of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)3 on the access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights and to supported the participants, from local municipality services and youth organisations, to devise local concrete actions and measures to implement the Recommendation.
  • Turin, Italy: This workshop, held between 10 and 12 December, focused on supporting youth workers to engage and support young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods and cooperate with the public administration of the city of Torino and co-organised with DOC social cooperative. The action will continue through in 2019 with mentoring of the participants in the development of their follow-up initiatives
  • Elche, Spain: a training session for municipal workers and decision-makers on 14-15 December will identify current problems that marginalised young people face in accessing their rights and devising participatory responses based on Council of Europe standards.
  • Lisbon, Portugal: A local training course on Access to social rights for young people in Lisbon will be held at the Quality-labelled Lisbon Youth Centre from 18 to 20 December 2018. The course will introduce youth workers from the city and region of Lisbon to the participants to the Recommendation on the access of young people from disadvantaged neighbourhoods to social rights and the Recommendation on Youth Work. The recommendations will be published in Portuguese at the occasion of the course.
Nyíregyháza, Varaždin, Turin, Elche and Lisbon 8 November 2018
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