Back 12 August: International Youth Day calling for intergenerational solidarity!

Youth Action Week

Youth Action Week

Revitalising democracy is an intergenerational effort where people of all ages are both learners and agents of change, say participants in the Youth Action Week!

In an era when democracy is being threatened on many fronts, be it by war on our European continent, the rise of authoritarian regimes, the restriction of citizens’ rights and freedoms, or by the devastating effects of climate change, young people are mobilising across Europe – at local, national and international levels – to reflect on how to regenerate democracy for the benefit of all.

The Council of Europe youth campaign Democracy Here | Democracy Now was launched on the initiative of young people to promote human rights, meaningful youth participation and the impact of digitalisation as factors for revitalising democracy.  450 youth activists gathered in Strasbourg for a Youth Action Week and worked together for four days to issue a call for fifty priority actions – symbolising the 50 years of the Council of Europe youth sector in 2022.

The Council of Europe Youth sector strategy 2030 on revitalising pluralistic democracy, young people’s access to rights, youth work and peaceful and inclusive societies is a commitment to and a contribution to achieving the UN SDGs

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Europe 12 August 2022
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