Back Consultative meeting on the climate crisis, young people and democracy



The Consultative Meeting will associate a variety of stakeholders and experts on youth and the climate crisis to together reflect about how youth policy and youth participation processes should take into account needs arising from the climate crisis and the concerns of young people.

The meeting will be structured around the following objectives:

  • To reflect on the impact of the climate change on the lives of young people in relation to the right for healthy environment
  • To showcase existing practices and explore challenges for youth participation to impact political actions on climate crisis
  • To address intersections between the climate crisis and other issues including human rights, democracy, migration, health etc…
  • To discuss and explore youth policy responses to the climate crisis
  • To discuss approaches and actions for taking into account environmental issues in youth policy and programmes
  • The consultative meeting will result in proposals for the youth sector of the Council of Europe and the broader stakeholder groups working on these issues. As the first activity of its kind, it will also contribute to the work of the Task Force of the Joint Council on Youth and set up the foundation for the upcoming steps and future work of the Youth Department on the topic.


The consultative meeting will bring together experts and representatives from the following stakeholder groups:

    • Members of the Joint Council on Youth
    • Individual activists and members of youth movements advocating for action on climate crisis and environmental protection
    • Youth leaders and youth workers active in environment and climate crisis matters
    • European and international organisations concerned with the climate change
    • National experts on youth and environment issues
    • Researchers on climate change and democracy

 More information

online 16-18 February 2021
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