Back Training Course on Human Rights Education for youth centres in the Council of Europe Quality Label network

Training Course on Human Rights Education for youth centres in the Council of Europe Quality Label network

 The annual training course on Human Rights Education for the youth centres in the network of the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres was organised at the European Youth Centre in Budapest on 13-17 June 2022. The course was attended by educational staff and youth workers from 11 labelled and candidate youth centres.

 The thematic focus of this year’s training was on the impact of crisis on young people and youth centres, on creating and applying non-formal educational tools to meet new realities, and on networking and cooperation among Quality Labelled Youth Centres, with the purpose of raising the quality of youth work and services that Quality Labelled Youth Centres offer to young people.

This year’s course was a continuation of the long-term training strategy that was introduced in 2020 with the purpose of enabling programme coordinators and youth workers to enhance the non-formal education approach they are using in their daily work and to support the development and planning of educational activities for the upcoming years.

European Youth Centre Budapest 21 June 2022
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