Back Summer School - Young refugees as actors for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue

Deadline for applications: 22 June 2017 at 13:00 p.m, CET
Summer School - Young refugees as actors for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue
Co-organised with the Global Platform for Syrian Students
In cooperation with Kiron - Open Higher Education for Refugees
and Voice of Young Refugees in Europe

Aims and Objectives of the Summer School

The Summer School follows on the experience and proposals of the 2016 seminar to develop the capacities of young refugees as actors and agents of change in their communities. It is based on the principles of empowerment and participation of young refugees and it aims at reinforcing resilience and leadership skills. It will support social inclusion of young refugees in Europe by developing participants’ competences in their role as multipliers for youthparticipation, democratic citizenship and intercultural dialogue.

Specific objectives include:

  • To share and reflect on the situation and challenges faced by young refugees in Europe
  • To strengthen participants understanding and practical knowledge in the areas of democratic citizenship, dialogue, conflict transformation and leadership
  • To enhance participants motivation and abilities for entrepreneurship and social/youth projects in their communities
  • To provide participants with a wide range of soft skills that can enhance the creative and innovative capacities of young people in ways that are relevant to building resilient societies and not just in relation to employability
  • To support networking among refugees and other students and youth organisations
  • To enhance the credibility, visibility and sustainability of youth work with refugees and provide input to the policy of the Council of Europe and partners in this respect.

Expected results:

  • Fifty young refugees, students and youth leaders will be better able to act as multipliers and change makers regarding the situation of young refugees in the their communities
  • Eight youth-led projects will be initiated by refugees and youth leaders and will be supported and given visibility by the co-organisers
  • Youth organisations will be better equipped to respond to the challenges faced by young refugees in Europe
  • Informal networks of young refugees will be created and formal networks and organisations of youth and students organisations will be strengthened
  • The Council of Europe youth sector will be better equipped to understand and taken action regarding social inclusion of young refugees.

Profile and recruitment of participants

The Summer School is organised for:
  • Young refugees, including refugee students and students on forced mobility, motivated and committed to develop projects and initiatives for social inclusion and intercultural dialogue in their communities and organisations
  • Youth workers and leaders of youth and students organisations and projects directly working with refugees and supporting their social inclusion.
All participants should also:
  • Be within the age range of 18-30 years
  • Be able to work in English
  • Be available for the full duration of the activity.

The co-organisers will select a total of up to 50 participants, of which up to 20 will be resident in Portugal. The composition of the group will safeguard gender/sex balance as well as plurality of organisations, countries of residence and communities of origin.

Detailed information:  Call for participants document

Anyone interested in taking part in the seminar should fill in the online application form at by 22 June 2017 at 13:00 p.m, CET.

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS 27 August-3 September 2017
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