Back EYCB welcomes first international study session since the beginning of the pandemic

EYCB welcomes first international study session since the beginning of the pandemic

  Yet another post-pandemic milestone was reached on 12 July when the EYCB finally received its first international residential youth activity since the start of the pandemic lockdown of the centre in March 2020.

The study session “Soci@lise: Social Rights in digital era” was organised in partnership with the Youth Express Network and CONNECT International and brought together 19 participants from 13 countries to explore whether human and social rights are being infringed or enhanced in the digital era during the pandemic; to discuss the risks and weaknesses of digitalization in terms of equality, access and inclusion; to create policy recommendations introducing digital rights of young people as an important aspect of the youth rights guarantee; and to advocate for introduction of the digital component in recommendations related to the social rights of young people.

While participants still had to comply with some remaining safety and health restrictions, such as wearing masks indoors, they could finally meet in person and take advantage of the outdoor facilities provided at the EYCB to learn, debate, and socialise together. This opportunity was not lost on the participants, most of whom were traveling outside of their home countries for the first time in well over a year.

 "I was a bit hesitant to join this study session because of the pandemic, however, coming to the EYCB was the best decision I could make. It is a wonderful place and being with this amazing group of people makes me feel connected to anywhere in the world", – said Melisa Damla from Turkey.

 While Diamant Hoti from the Republic of Kosovo* added: „I am beyond thankful to the organisers and trainers for developing and running this session in the most creative and effective way possible. They have managed to engage us in interesting workshops and transmit knowledge on a highly important and relevant topic.”

* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with the United Nations Security Council Resolutions 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.

European youth centre Budapest 21 July 2021
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