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International Youth Summit hosted by EurOg Youth Centre

 The International Human Rights Youth Summit took place online on the 18th December 2020 as a prelude to what can be achieved by young people around the issue of Covid-19. The event was hosted by EurOg which is one of the centres holding the Council of Europe Quality Label for Youth Centres, KDYS Youth Information Ambassadors and supported by Kerry Council, Community Support Fund. 13 young people from Ireland, Poland and Romania came together with the aim to have a conversation on the current Covid-19 situation throughout Europe and to look at different responses. 


 Participants shared their experiences regarding the initiatives and measures introduced in their countries, the role of young people to respond and deal with the pandemic and made an overall assessment on the previous year. They concluded that going into lockdown had been necessary to protect all members of the community, even though, they would miss having face to face contact with their peers and teachers. Although they have been experiencing constant frustration due to the isolation and the uncertainty of the future, they also underlined some positive aspects of the last couple of months – young people managed to build resilience and to develop stronger bonds with their families while also dedicating this period to educate themselves and acquire new skills.


They also felt that if governments can make decisions in the best interest of everyone during Covid-19 then they could do the same when addressing other global challenges i.e. climate change, climate justice and just transition. The young people started a conversation which they hope to continue to build on during 2021 with more of their peers getting involved from across the EU.

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