To contribute to the promotion of youth participation in decision-making processes and in the implementation of youth policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Council of Europe, in co-operation with the Ministry of Civil Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, is organising a training for representatives from municipal, cantonal, entity or state levels and youth representatives.
The aim of this course is to improve participants’ competences to facilitate youth participation in decision-making processes in the context of the creation and implementation of youth policies in Bosnia and Herzegovina (at different levels) in line with the Council of Europe’s standards, principles and values.
The 30 participants – 15 governmental, 15 non-governmental – should be:
- involved in the development and implementation of youth work and youth policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina at different levels;
- open, committed and motivated to develop and strengthen dialogue and co-operation between governmental and non-governmental partners in the youth field;
- in a position to implement and follow-up the results of the course.
If you are interested in applying to take part in the course:
Further information: Bosanski Hrvatski Srpski
Deadline for applications extended till 23 March 2022!
If you have any queries: cdej[at]