The Council of Europe co-operation with the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants is an important instrument in assisting Council of Europe member States in line with European standards. 

This co-operation focuses on Council of Europe member States which are also members of the EU. The Council of Europe and the Grants join efforts to defend shared values and standards.

Through this partnership, the Council of Europe helps set strategic priorities for co-operation and assists both the EEA Norway grants and the beneficiaries in how to best support the implementation of European standards in different countries.

 The Council of Europe signed a Co-operation Agreement covering 2016 - 2024.

As International Partner Organisation, the Council of Europe provides high level advice on emerging priorities. The Council of Europe also provides high-level advice to states’ institutions and to the EEA Grants and the Norway Grants on programme design and implementation.

 In this context, the Council of Europe is working with 10 member States

Bulgaria | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic | Lithuania | Latvia | Portugal | Romania | Slovakia | Slovenia

in areas such as justice, economic crime, correctional, and anti-discrimination and protection of the rights of vulnerable groups.


 The Council of Europe plays an active role in the EEA/Norway Grants’ SYNERGY Network against gender based and domestic violence.

The SYNERGY Network brings together governmental and non-governmental organisations from 16 European countries and other key parties. It provides a platform of expertise sharing how the Grants impact policies on violence against women and domestic violence in Europe in line with the Council of Europe’s Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention).

 For more information visit the Council of Europe’s co-operation with the EEA and Norway Grants

 Latest news:

SYNERGY Network Conference in Slovakia: Advancing the Fight Against Violence against Women

SYNERGY Network will lead discussions on violence against Roma women at the European Conference on Domestic Violence in Reykjavik Iceland


EEA and Norway Grants logo

 These joint initiatives are an important tool for supporting reforms in the Council of Europe member States that are also members of the EU. There are also other co-operation frameworks with EU member States, such as the co-operation with EU/EC DG REFORM and other EU/Council of Europe joint programmes. 

The Council of Europe contributes a wide range of expertise through this cooperation.
Some examples: