Find a resource on gender equality and women's rights
The Council of Europe offers a wide range of resources to promote and implement gender equality and women’s rights, including publications, factsheets, brochures, audiovisual materials and more.
You can search among more than 350 resources using the filter by theme, year, language and type of resource according to the six strategic objectives of the Gender Equality Strategy.
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* All reference to Kosovo, whether to the territory, institutions or population, shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo.
European Convention on Human Rights
English | French | Other languages
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights-Freedom from violence against women | Impact of the European Convention on Human Rights | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Recommendation R(79)10 of the Committee of Ministers to member States concerning women migrants
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)17 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Recommendation R(85)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on legal protection against sex discrimination
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the campaign: Sexism: see it, name it, stop it! | About the Istanbul Convention | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Recommendation R(90)4 of the Commitee of Ministers to member States on the elimination of sexism from language
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the campaign: Sexism: see it, name it, stop it! | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Recommendation R(93)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on effective access to the law and to justice for the very poor
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Revised European Social Charter
English | French | Other languages
Read more: The European Social Charter | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Recommendation R(96)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on reconciling work and family life
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Gender mainstreaming conceptual framework, methodology and presentation of good practices - Final report of activities of the group of specialists on mainstreaming
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender equality themes | Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe
Recommendation Rec(98)14 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender mainstreaming
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Gender mainstreaming: Practice and prospects
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender equality themes | Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe
Recommendation CM/Rec(2002)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the protection of women against violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Discrimination against women with disabilities
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination
Recommendation CM/Rec(2003)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision making
Objective No 4 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve a balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making
English | French | Albanian | Azerbaijani | Bulgarian | Croatian | Dutch | German | Greek | Italian | Polish |
Portuguese | Russian | Spanish
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Gender budgeting
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Armenian | Macedonian
Read more: Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe
Promoting gender mainstreaming in schools
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender equality themes | Gender mainstreaming and education
Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in human beings
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Italian | Russian
Read more: Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Protocol No 12 to the Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms
English | French | German | Italian | Russian
Read more: Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms |
European Court of Human Rights | Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Combating violence against women: Stocktaking study on the measures and actions taken in Council of Europe member States
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Council of Europe Convention on the protection of children against sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (Lanzarote Convention)
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Other languages
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and children’s rights | Children's rights Division | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Human rights, rights of women - Female applicants to the European Court of Human Rights - Article by F. Tulkens, former Judge and Vice-President at the European Court of Human Rights
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice
Protecting women against violence - Analytical study on the effective implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member States
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention |Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)17 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender equality standards and mechanisms
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)13 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender mainstreaming in education and its explanatory memorandum
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Croatian | Spanish
Read more: Combating gender stereotypes and sexism in and through education | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Administrative data collection on domestic violence in Council of Europe member States
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Combating violence against women: Minimum standards for support services
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Gender budgeting: Practical implementation
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Armenian | Croatian | Greek | Icelandic | Macedonian | Slovenian
Read more: Gender equality themes | Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Protecting women against violence - Analytical study of the results of the 2nd round of monitoring the implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member States
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention |Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Recommendation CM/Rec(2008)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the inclusion of gender differences in health policy
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Setting the standard: a study on and proposals for minimum standards for violence against women support services
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Access to justice in Europe - European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ)
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Read more: Council of Europe European Commission for the efficiency of justice (CEPEJ) | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Access to justice for migrants and asylum seekers in Europe (European Committee on Legal Cooperation-CDCJ)
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Read more: PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)17 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls | About the Istanbul Convention
Cases brought before the European Court of Human Rights by women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice | Preventing and combating violence against women
Protecting women against violence - Analytical study of the results of the 3rd round of monitoring the implementation of the Recommendation CM/Rec(2002)5 on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member States
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention |Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)5 of the Committee of Ministers to the member states on measures to combat discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation or gender identity
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Albanian | Georgian | German | Greek | Italian | Latvian | Lithuanian | Montenegrin | Polish | Portuguese | Russian | Serbian | Slovak | Spanish | Turkish
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination | The Council of Europe Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Unit | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Recommendation CM Rec(2010)12 of the Committee of Ministers to Member States - Judges independence, efficiency and responsibilities
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice | European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ)
Recommendation CM/Rec(2010)10 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the role of women and men in conflict prevention and resolution and in peace building
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Combating gender stereotypes in education
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Combating gender stereotypes and sexism in and through education | Gender mainstreaming and education
Compilation of case law of the European Court of Human Rights in the field of equality between women and men
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | Guaranteeing equal access of women to justice
Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence and Explanatory Report (Istanbul Convention)
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Other languages
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
MARS – Media against racism in sport – Guide for journalists (EU/Council of Europe joint project)
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: MARS - Media Against Racism in Sport | Gender mainstreaming and media | Gender equality and media | Council of Europe sport website
Overview of studies on the costs of violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Promote an education free from gender stereotypes and identifying ways to implement the measures which are included in the CM/Rec(2007)13
Compilation of good practices
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: CM/Rec(2007)13 | Gender mainstreaming and education | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the protection and promotion of the rights of women and girls with disabilities
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Commissioner of Human Rights | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Conference "Media and the image of women", Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4-5 July 2013
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Conference webpage | Gender mainstreaming and media | Gender and media | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Conference “Media and the image of women” Amsterdam, 4-5 July 2013
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Conference webpage | Gender mainstreaming and media | Gender and media | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Feasibility study on equal access of women to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Read more: PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Gender matters - A manual on addressing gender-based violence affecting young people
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and youth | Youth department | Gender matters website
Istanbul Convention – An instrument to promote gender equality
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Istanbul Convention - 12 steps to comply
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Belarusian | Georgian | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on gender equality and media
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
English | French | Albanian | Arabic | Croatian | Greek | Portuguese | Spanish
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and media | Gender equality and media | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Safe from fear safe from violence - FAQ
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Women and journalists first – A challenge to media professionals to realise democracy in practice, equality in journalism and an end to gender stereotyping
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
English | French | Azerbaijani | Croatian | Portuguese
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and media | Gender equality and media
2nd Conference of national focal points on combating gender stereotypes in and through education, Helsinki, 9-10 October 2014 - Abridged version
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Conference webpage | Combating gender stereotypes and sexism in and through education | Gender mainstreaming and education
2nd Conference of national focal points on combating gender stereotypes in and through education, Helsinki, 9-10 October 2014 - Full version
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Conference webpage | Combating gender stereotypes and sexism in and through education | Gender mainstreaming and education
A global tool to prevent and combat violence against women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Amnesty International and Council of Europe guide on the Istanbul Convention as a tool to end female genital mutilation
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Analytical study of the results of the 4th round of monitoring the implementation of Recommendation Rec(2002)5 of the Committee of Ministers on the protection of women against violence in Council of Europe member States
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention |Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Article 12 of the Istanbul Convention: Preventing violence against women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Georgian | Ukrainian
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Article 16 of the Istanbul Convention: Domestic and sexual violence perpetrator programmes
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Georgian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Contributions from member states on key challenges and good practices on access to justice for women victims of violence at the national Level
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | About the Istanbul Convention
Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2014-2017
English | French | Croatian | German | Greek | Spanish | Turkish | Ukrainian
Read more: Council of Europe Gender Equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Gender equality themes
Eurimages Strategy for gender equality in the European film industry 2014-2017
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and audiovisual sector | Eurimages
Good practices on gender equality and the media at national level
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and media | Gender equality and media
Reflection on “Gender”- Data study for 2014 and evolution for 2012-2014
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination | Eurimages
Roma women’s empowerment and the gender dimension of national Roma inclusion strategies (Lithuania, Finland, Italy, Rep. Moldova, Spain)
Thematic report
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Roma and Travellers Team | Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination
The Istanbul Convention
General leaflet
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Albanian | Arabic | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Belarusian | Bosnian | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Danish | Estonian | Finnish | German | Greek | Italian | Japanese | Norwegian | Polish | Romanian | Serbian | Slovak | Spanish | Swedish | Turkish
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
1st Implementation report on the protection of children against sexual abuse in the circle of trust, Lanzarote Committee
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and children’s rights | Children's Rights Division
Article 13 of the Istanbul Convention: Raising awareness of violence against women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Albanian | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Serbian | Ukrainian
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Article 16 of the Istanbul Convention: Domestic and sexual violence perpetrator programmes:
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Armenian |Azerbaijani | Georgian | Ukrainian
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Child/early and forced marriages within Roma communities in the context of the promotion of gender equality (Romania, Italy, Republic of Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom)
Thematic report
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Roma and Travellers Team | Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination
Combating gender stereotypes in and through education
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Combating gender stereotypes and sexism in and through education | Gender mainstreaming in the Council of Europe
Combating gender stereotypes in the media
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and media | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Conference "Towards guaranteeing equal access of women to justice", Bern, 15-16 October 2015
Abridged report
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice | Bern Conference
Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 2054(2015)1 on equality and non-discrimination in the access to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Read more: PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Equal access to justice in the case-law on violence against women before the European Court of Human Rights
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence | Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice| Preventing and combating violence against women
Good practices from member states to reduce existing obstacles and facilitate women’s access to justice
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | About the Istanbul Convention
Guaranteeing equal access of women to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Non-exhaustive list and description of available gender equality glossaries
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Recommendation CM/Rec(2015)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender mainstreaming in sport
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and sport | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
The gender dimension of non-medical use of prescription drugs in Europe and the Mediterranean region, Pompidou Group
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use | Pompidou Group
The Pompidou Group role in integrating a gender dimension of drug policies
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use | Pompidou Group
Thematic Action Plan on the inclusion of Roma and Travellers (2016-2019), SG/Inf(2015)38 final
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Roma and Travellers Team | Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination
Training of Trainers manual - Effective multi-agency co-operation for preventing and combating domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | EEA and Norway Grants
Ukraine - Good international practices and standards on violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Ukraine Project (2018-2020) | Ukraine project (2021-2022)
Ukraine - The current system for collecting and analysing data regarding violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Ukraine Project (2018-2020)
Achieving gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Objective No 4 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve a balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe
Armenia - Training manual for judges and prosecutors on ensuring women’s access to justice - Additional country chapter
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Article 11 of the Istanbul Convention: Ensuring data collection and research on violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Bosnian |Georgian | Turkish | Ukrainian
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Article 17 of the Istanbul Convention: Encouraging the participation of the private sector and the media in the prevention of violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Albanian | Armenian | Serbian | Ukrainian
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Background note on sexist hate speech
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Combating sexist hate speech | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Bulgaria - Enhancing the professional capacity of the Bulgarian police to deal with cases of domestic violence and violence against women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | EEA and Norway Grants
Combating sexist hate speech
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Combating sexist hate speech | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Council of Europe Plan of Action on strengtening judicial independence and impartiality
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Guaranteeing Equal Access of Women to Justice
Council of Europe Strategy for the rights of the child for 2016-2021
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and children’s rights | Children's rights Division | Strategy for the rights of the child (2016-2021)
Equality between women and men
General factheet
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Gender equality themes
Framework for measuring access to justice including specific challenges facing women - UN Women - Council of Europe
Guidance Note
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
English | Albanian | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Bosnian | Georgian | Macedonian | Montenegrin | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Turkish | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | HFIII: Women’s access to justice (2023-2026)
Georgia - Training manual for judges and prosecutors on ensuring women’s access to justice - Additional country chapter
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
GREVIO questionnaire on legislative and other measures giving effect to the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence (Istanbul Convention)
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: GREVIO | About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Implementation of Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on gender equality and media
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Azerbaijani
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and media | Gender equality and media |
Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe
Implementing a comprehensive and co-ordinated approach - An assessment of Poland's response to prevent and combat gender-based violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | EEA and Norway Grants
Implementing Article 10 of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence – establishing national co-ordinating bodies
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | Armenian | Georgian | Ukrainian
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Improving the effectiveness of law-enforcement and justice officers in combating violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | EEA and Norway Grants
Improving the management of violence experienced by women who use psychoactive substances, the Council of Europe Pompidou Group - Co-operation Group to Combat Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use | Pompidou Group
Introducing a gender dimension into drug policy, Pompidou Group
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use | Pompidou Group
Istanbul Convention - Monitoring mechanism
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Azerbaijani | Georgian | German | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Media matters amplify the voices of female experts - Liri Kopaci Di Michele (longer version)
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 4 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve a balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and media
Migration and human rights: migrant women - Carolina Lasen Diaz, Lisbon, Forum 2016
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Moldova - Training manual for judges and prosecutors on ensuring women’s access to justice - Additional country chapter
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Preventing and combating domestic violence against women: a learning resource for training law enforcement and justice officers
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | EEA and Norway Grants
Protecting women refugees - The Journal, Council of Europe, 8 March 2016
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Seminar on combating sexist hate speech, Strasbourg, 11-12 February 2016
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Seminar webpage | Combating sexist hate speech | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Sex-disaggregated statistics on the participation of women and men in political and public decision-making in Council of Europe member States - 2016 data
Objective No 4 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve a balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Ukraine - Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine - Recommended minimum common data categories required for collecting comprehensive data on cases of violence against women and domestic violence: conclusions of the inter-agency working group on data collection
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Ukraine Project (2018-2020)
Ukraine - Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine - Towards the establishment of a multi-agency co-operation mechanism for an integrated response to violence against women and domestic violence, at regional and/or local level
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Ukraine Project (2018-2020) | Türkiye project (2021-2022)
Ukraine - Training manual for judges and prosecutors on ensuring women’s access to justice - Additional country chapter
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Women and politics: the contribution of the Council of Europe to achieve a balanced participation of women and men in decision-making
Objective No 4 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve a balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Activities promoting gender mainstreaming at the national level in Council of Europe member states
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe
Armenia - Country studies on barriers, remedies and good practices for women’s access to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Armenia - Country studies on barriers, remedies and good practices for women’s access to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Lire plus: PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
Article 52 of the Istanbul Convention: Emergency barring orders in situations of domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Armenian | Azerbaijani
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Preventing and combating violence against women | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Azerbaijan - Country studies on barriers, remedies and good practices for women’s access to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the need to intensify the efforts to prevent and combat female genital mutilation and forced marriage in Europe
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Georgia - Country studies on barriers, remedies and good practices for women’s access to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Introducing a gender dimension into drug policy, Co-operation group to combat drug abuse and illicit trafficking in drugs (Pompidou Group)
Synthesis report
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming on health and drug use | Pompidou Group
Kosovo* - Mapping support services for victims of violence against women in Kosovo*
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention | Kosovo* project Phase II (2019-2021) | Kosovo* project Phase III (2021-2023)
Moldova - Country studies on barriers, remedies and good practices for women’s access to justice in Republic of Moldova
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Pledge on political representation of Roma women
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Finnish | German |
Greek | Hungarian | Italian | Portuguese | Serbian | Slovak | Spanish | Swedish
Read more: Roma and travellers team | Gender mainstreaming and non-discrimination at the Council of Europe
Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)10 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on improving access to justice for Roma and Travellers in Europe
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Roma and Travellers Team | Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination
Recommendation CM/Rec(2017)9 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender equality in the audiovisual sector
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and audiovisual sector | Gender mainstreaming and media | Eurimages | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Recommendation No. 192(2017) on mainstreaming a gender equality perspective in the implementation of the Convention as well as in the work of the Convention on the conservation of European wildlife and natural habitats
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and cultural and natural heritage | Steering Committee for Culture, Heritage and Landscape (CDCPP)
Study Visit to the UK forced marriage Unit (United Kingdom, Finland, France, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Poland)
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Roma and Travellers Team | Gender mainstreaming and non discrimination
Training manual for judges and prosecutors on ensuring women’s access to justice - General part
Manual / Handbook
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
English | Armenian | Georgian | Romanian | Russian | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Ukraine - Country studies on barriers, remedies and good practices for women’s access to justice
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Ukraine - Guidance for the running of shelters for victims of violence against women and domestic violence in Ukraine
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention | Ukraine Project 2018-2020
Ukraine - Guidance with regard to a long-term approach to awareness-raising on violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
A Gender perspective on drug policy - Pompidou Group
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use | Pompidou Group
Achieving balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making: A gender equality and democratic requirement
Objective No 4 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve a balanced participation of women and men in political and public decision-making
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls: The Council of Europe’s contribution to the UN 2030 agenda and the sustainable development goals
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Armenia - Training manual on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence in Armenia
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | Armenia project 2019-2022
Case law on gender equality - European Court of Human Rights
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
English | French | Azerbaijani
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
English | French | Azerbaijani | Croatian | Polish | Spanish | Ukrainian
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Gender equality themes
Donation of ovocytes: A guide for women to support informed decisions, Publication, European Committee on Organ Transplantation (CD-P-TO)
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use | European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare (EDQM)
Eurimages Strategy for gender equality in the european film industry for 2018-2020 - Aiming for 50/50 by 2020
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and audiovisual sector | Eurimages
European Court of Human Rights legal summaries: domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: European Court of Human Rights |Capacity building and co-operation projects
European Court of Human Rights legal summaries: gender equality
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | Capacity building and co-operation projects
European Court of Human Rights legal summaries: violence against women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Feedback report on gender mainstreaming in the Swedish Courts
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Fighting sexism in the public sphere - Asmundur Daoason, Minister of social affairs & equality, Iceland
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Fighting sexual abuse of children in sport - Magnea Marinósdóttir, Senior Advisor, Equality Unit, Ministry of Welfare, Iceland
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and sport
Gender equality and fight against sexism - Rosa Bjork Brynjolfsdottir, MP, Iceland
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Gender Equality: Paving the way - Conference to launch the Council of Europe Strategy 2018-2023
Read more: Gender equality themes | Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Istanbul Convention - Crimes committed in the name of so-called honour
Thematic factsheet
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Istanbul Convention - Female genital mutilation
Thematic factsheet
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Istanbul Convention - Stalking
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Making European standards on gender equality a reality for all women: call to support Council of Europe co-operation projects on gender equality and violence against women
General brochure
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Methodology and tools on mapping support services for victims of violence against women in line with the Istanbul Convention standards
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Mobilising men and boys for gender equality - Barbershop event
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it! | Working Group on the place of men and boys in gender equality policies and in policies to combat violence against women
Questions and answers about the Istanbul Convention
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Arabic | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Belarusian | Bosnian | Bulgarian | Croatian | Czech | Dutch | Estonian | Finnish | Georgian | German | Greek | Italian | Latvian | Lithuanian | Macedonian | Montenegrin | Norwegian | Polish | Portuguese | Romanian | Serbian | Slovak | Slovenian | Spanish | Russian | Turkish | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Sexism as a political priority - Carolina Lasen Diaz, Head of gender equality Unit
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Study by the Inter-Parliamentary Union and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on sexism, harassment and violence against women in parliaments in Europe
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the campaign: Sexism: see it, name it, stop it! | About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Tackling gender pay gap - Charles Ramdsen,Head of EU and International Policy Government Equalities Office, United Kingdom
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
The Istanbul Convention
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Women’s access to justice: a guide for legal practitioners
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
English | French | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Georgian | Romanian | Russian | Turkish | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021)
Administrative data collection on violence against women and domestic violence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, in line with Istanbul Convention standards
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Bosnia & Herzegovina project (2019)
Armenia - Preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Armenia project 2019-2022
Articles 60 & 61 of the Istanbul Convention: Gender-based asylum claims and non-refoulement
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
English | French | Hungarian | Polish | Romanian | Slovak | Turkish | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention | Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)17 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Legal provisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina relevant to implementing article 11 of the Istanbul Convention
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Bosnia & Herzegovina project (2019)
Children’s rights under the Istanbul Convention
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Azerbaijani
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Case law of the European Court of Human Rights on gender equality issues
Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Read more: European Court of Human Rights
Data collection campaign - 2019 - EU/Council of Europe project ALL IN! Towards gender balance in European sport
Analytical report
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: ALL IN Project | ALL IN Action Page | Gender equality and sport
Gender equality and gender mainstreaming in practice - For gender equality rapporteurs
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender equality rapporteurs | Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe
Gender mainstreaming in different sectors of activity of the Council of Europe
Video No 1
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender equality themes | Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Gender mainstreaming in different sectors of activity of the Council of Europe
Video No 2
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Gender equality themes | Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Gender mainstreaming in sport - EU/Council of Europe project ALL IN: Towards gender balance in sport
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: ALL IN project | ALL IN Action Page | Gender equality and sport
Internet Governance Forum - Caterina Bolognese, Head of the Gender Equality Division
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023
Key recommendations: Protecting the rights of migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking women and girls
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Making European standards on combating violence against women a reality-Technical co-operation programmes implemented in 2016-2019
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Council of Europe gender equality Strategy 2018-2023 | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Obstetrical and gynaecological violence, Committee on equality and non-discrimination, Parliamentary Assembly
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | Gender mainstreaming and health and drug use
Parliaments free of sexism and sexual harassment, PACE
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Projects on combating violence against women - The Council of Europe’s approach
Information brochure
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | About the Istanbul Convention
Protecting migrant women, refugee women, and women asylum-seekers from gender-balanced violence
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Recommendation CM/Rec(2022)17 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on protecting the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Protecting the rights of migrant, refugee, and asylum-seeking women and girls
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on preventing and combating sexism
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
English | French | Other languages English | French
Read more: Preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it! | Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe | Council of Europe standards in the fields of human rights and gender equality
Sexism: See it, name it, stop it!
Tools of the Campaign: Action page, video and quiz
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
English | French | Others languages
Read more: Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism
Venice Commission opinions and reports concerning electoral systems and gender representation
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Venice Commission | Gender mainstreaming in electoral assistance and census
Case law on domestic violence - European Court of Human Rights
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
English | French | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Georgian | Russian | Ukrainian
Read more: European Court of Human Rights | Capacity building and cooperation projects
Checklist for gender mainstreaming law schools' curricula
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
Objective No 5 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Protect the rights of migrant, refugee and asylum-seeking women and girls
English | Armenian | Azerbaijani | Georgian | Romanian | Russian | Ukrainian
Read more: PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2022) | Gender mainstreaming policy areas of the Council of Europe
Conference “Tackling gender stereotypes and sexism", Helsinki, 28-29 March 2019
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Conference webpage | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the Campaign: Sexism: See it. Name it. Stop it!
Congress Resolution 459 and Recommendation 449 - Fighting sexist violence against women in politics at local and regional level
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: Congress of Local and Regional Authorities | Recommendation CM/Rec(2019)1 on preventing and combating sexism | Tools of the campaign: Sexism: see it, name it, stop it!
Declaration of the Committee of the Parties to the Istanbul Convention on the implementation of the Convention during the COVID-19 pandemic
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | GREVIO | Committee of the Parties | Capacity building and co-operation projects
Developing a mentoring programme on women's access to justice for legal professionals
Objective No 3 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Ensure the equal access of women to justice violence
English | Armenian | Albanian | Azerbaijani | Bosnian | Georgian | Macedonian | Montenegrin | Romanian | Russian | Serbian | Ukrainian
Read more: Capacity building and co-operation projects | PGG II: Women's Access to Justice (2019-2021) | HFIII: Women’s access to justice (2023-2026)
Eurimages: Gender equality
Promotional clip
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Eurimages | Gender mainstreaming and audiovisual sector
Gender equality and media - 2019 data
Objective No 1 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat stereotypes and sexism
Read more: Gender equality and media | Gender mainstreaming and media
Gender section of Compass: Manual for human rights education with young people
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
English | French | Arabic | Azerbaijani | Belarusian | Bulgarian | Estonian |German | Hungarian | Italian | Portuguese | Russian |Spanish | Ukrainian
Read more: Gender mainstreaming and youth | Youth department
Georgia - Administration of justice on sexual violence crimes against women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Georgia project (2020-2022)
Georgia - Series of interviews on the impact of the Covid-19 on women’s rights - Ekaterine Skhiladze
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
In Georgian with English subtitles
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Georgia project (2020-2022)
Georgia - Series of Interviews on the Impact of the Covid-19 on Women’s Rights - Maka Peradze
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
In Georgian with English subtitles
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Georgia project (2020-2022)
Georgia - Series of Interviews on the Impact of the Covid-19 on Women’s Rights - Nona Shamkaradze
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Georgian with English subtitles
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects | Georgia project (2020-2022)
Human rights in biomedicine: Integrating a gender equality perspective, Committee on Bioethics (DH-BIO)
Objective No 6 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Achieve gender mainstreaming in all policies and measures
Read more: Human rights and biomedecine | Gender mainstreaming on health and drug use
Kosovo* - Brochure on setting up treatment programmes for perpetrators of domestic violence and violence against women
Objective No 2 of the Gender Equality Strategy: Prevent and combat violence against women and domestic violence
Read more: About the Istanbul Convention | Capacity building and co-operation projects |Kosovo* project Phase II (2019-2021) |Kosovo* project Phase III (2021-2023)
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