Youth in participatory budgeting: from activity to partnership

Municipality/City of Kamianske

Oblast: Dnipropetrovsk

Population: 240,800

 Website of the municipality

This initiative seeks to support youth participation during the participatory budgeting cycle and to form groups of active citizens involved in strategy development processes, with a view to increasing the involvement of young people in local decision-making.

This initiative engages schools and universities during the campaigning period of participatory budgeting projects to conduct a series of workshops and trainings for young people to support youth projects throughout the process.

Kamianske has been running a participatory budgeting scheme since 2018. Currently, the City Council is developing the Municipal Development Strategy for 2027 and will leverage the increased youth engagement for this purpose as well.

Stakeholders: Department of Economic Development; Division of Public Procurement and Infrastructure; Department of Youth and Sport; Youth centre “M.Y.R. Hub”; Centre of Youth Initiatives; students.


International and national consultants providing direct expert support to participating municipalities, per topic of initiative

 Biographies (English and Ukrainian)