Calendar and documents

BEFORE the meetings, documents for the Bureau are sent to participants by email for downloading via CoECloud or ZIP format (restricted access with a password).

AFTER the meetings, documents are made public and available on the internet.



Thursday 26 November 2020 (remote meeting)

 Summary of decisions taken on 26 November 2020 

Thursday 29 October 2020, Strasbourg (cancelled)

Monday 26 October 2020, Strasbourg (cancelled)

Monday 28 September 2020 (remote meeting)

 Summary of decisions taken on 28 September 2020

Tuesday 9 June 2020 - (by videoconference)

Decisions taken by written procedure on 17 July 2020

Monday 16 March 2020, Strasbourg (eve of the 38th Session) (Cancelled)

Documents sent after the meeting on 3 February 2020 to Bureau members and participants for approval by written procedure or for information: CG-BUR(2020)33-INF25

Monday 3 February 2020, Paris


Monday 2 December 2019, Strasbourg (Cancelled)

Thursday 31 October 2019, Strasbourg (37th Session)

Monday 28 October 2019, Strasbourg (eve of the 37th Session)

Wednesday 11 September 2019, Strasbourg

Friday 28 June 2019, Brussels

Thursday 4 April 2019, Strasbourg (36th Session)

Monday 1 April 2019, Strasbourg (eve of the 36th Session)

Friday 1 March 2019, Helsinki (Finland)

Tuesday 29 January 2019, Paris


Thursday 8 November 2018, Strasbourg (35th session)

Monday 5 November 2018, Strasbourg (eve of the 35th session)

Friday 5 October 2018, Strasbourg

Monday 18 June 2018, Strasbourg

Monday 26 March 2018, Strasbourg (eve of the 34th session)

Friday 2 February 2018, Strasbourg


Head of the Table Office
Sarah Burton