Albania joined the Council of Europe in 1995 and ratified the European Charter for Local Self-Government (ETS No. 122) on 4 April 2000.

The Government of Albania embarked, in 2013, on major reforms in terms of administrative and territorial decentralisation and organisation, to which the Congress provided assistance. The Congress’ efforts as well as the mediation between associations made it possible to incorporate the right of local and regional authorities to be consulted into the 2015-2020 National Decentralisation Strategy and the Organic Law on Local Self-Government, adopted in December 2015.

It led to the establishment of the Consultative Council of Local and Central Authorities in January 2017. It was within the framework of this new body that the Albanian associations of local and regional authorities were provided with the opportunity to represent all local and regional authorities on a parity basis. The Law on Local Finances was discussed during the first meeting of the Consultative Council, and most of the proposals presented by the associations were taken into account in the final text, which came into force in May 2017. Subsequently, local authorities and their associations exchanged on the budgetary stances for 2018, the implementation of the national strategy for decentralisation and potential measures for environmental protection, among others.

The reforms of the Government were based on some of the provisions included in the Recommendation 349 on local and regional democracy in Albania, adopted by the Congress in October 2013. The activities organised by the Congress in Albania aimed at providing a pluralistic platform of discussion for local authorities on issues of common interest and to make their voices heard when related legislation is drafted and discussed.

The project "Strengthening local and regional government structures and co-operation of local elected representatives in Albania” was developed in the framework of the Council of Europe Co-operation Document for Albania 2012-2014 and implemented by the Congress in close partnership with the Centre of Expertise for Local Government Reform.

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The role of local government authorities in the decentralisation reform process in Albania

The Congress held a consultation meeting, on 6 October 2015 in Tirana, with Albanian mayors on the role of local government authorities in the decentralisation reform process in Albania. Chaired by Juliana Hoxha, Vice-President of the Congress, the meeting has been organised in co-operation with Albanian Local Government Associations (AAM and ALAA). On the basis of a series of reports from Congress’ local and international experts (on the draft law on functions and finances, the establishment and role of the Consultative Council and the role and representation of LGAs), it provided mayors with the opportunity to exchange their views on these topics of direct interest for Local Government Units. The result of their discussions, and of previous consultations, will be included in the preparations of the National Conference on 30 October, which will bring together all 61 recently elected Albanian mayors, to celebrate the anniversary of the opening for signature of the European Charter of Local Self-Government. The meeting was organised in the framework of its project ' Strengthening Local Government Structures and Cooperation of Local Elected Representatives in Albania – Phase II ' and more specifically its line of Action II 'Building a sustainable, pluralistic and unified platform of Dialogue for Local Government in Albania' and as a follow-up of its Recommendation 349(2013) on Local and Regional Democracy in Albania.

Cooperation activities in Albania

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The role of local authorities Albania 6 October 2015
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Marité MORAS
Head of the Unit - Co-operation activities


Tel: +33 3 88 41 31 75