27-28 March 2018, Strasbourg, France

34th Session : rights-based governance at local and regional level

34th Session 26 March 2018 Strasbourg, France

The members of the Congress met in Strasbourg, France, from 27 to 28 March 2018 for their 34th Session placed under the theme “rights-based governance at local and regional level”. Congress members discussed in particular the role of local and regional elected representatives and officials in...

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Gudrun Mosler-Törnström: “Given the current challenges, we must preserve the voice of local and regional authorities”

34th session 27 March 2018 Strasbourg

“Together, we are all entering a serious period in the life of our organisation and of our Congress,” said Congress President Gudrun Mosler-Törnström at the opening of the 34th session of the Congress in Strasbourg, France, on 27 March 2018. In her communication, the President gave an update on...

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Back Co-operation: two publications to support local and regional authorities in Europe

Co-operation: two publications to support local and regional authorities in Europe

The Handbook on Transparency and Citizen Participation and the Tool Guide on Management of Change were presented to the Congress members on the occasion of the 34th Session in Strasbourg (27-28 March 2018). Both publications were developed as part of the Congress’ co-operation activities to assist cities and regions in shaping their public policies.

The Handbooks on Transparency and Citizen Participation in Armenia, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine aim to support local and regional authorities in their efforts to make communities more open, ethical and citizen-oriented. The handbooks outline the country-specific legislative frameworks in these four countries and provide practical guidance for preventing corruption risks and implementing transparency and citizen participation mechanisms. Each handbook is available in English and in the respective national language.

The Tool Guide on Management of Change provides step-by-step guidance for local authorities to lead in a more informed manner, developing policies adapted to the demand and needs of their communities. It supports the assessment of change and the measurement of the effectiveness and responsiveness of local policies. This publication is available in five languages: English, Armenian, Georgian, Romanian and Ukrainian.

These publications guide and encourage local authorities to effectively prevent corruption risks, promote citizen participation, manage the change and develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions. Such tools are available online and through the national associations of local and regional authorities.

This set of tools is the result of the activities implemented by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities within the thematic programme “Strengthening institutional frameworks for local governance”. This programme is funded by the European Union and the Council of Europe, and implemented by the Council of Europe, through the Partnership for Good Governance for 2015-2017 for Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine and Belarus.


** 34th Session of the Congress **
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34th session Strasbourg, France 27 March 2018
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Election to the vice-presidence of the Chamber of Regions

Candidate : Robert GRUMAN CV - Candidature declaration and motivation letter


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