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Belinda Gottardi: “It is at the local level that climate action and youth engagement truly come together”

“Environmental protection is part of good governance and action taken by cities and regions is crucial if we want a livable future” underlined Belinda Gottardi, Congress member and Mayor of Castel Maggiore (Italy, SOC/G/PD) at the World Forum for Democracy on 25 June 2021, on a Forum Talk bringing together young people across Europe and policymakers.

“Local governments are on the frontline in this fight and it is encouraging to see how determined young people are to ensure we have a healthy planet to live in. We, mayors and councillors, have a duty to facilitate their action” she said, adding that the Congress is preparing a booklet for children to learn how they can contribute to their cities’ sustainability and protect its environment.

Belinda Gottardi also stressed the central role of youth participation in the Congress, through the appointment of Youth Delegates as part of its “rejuvenating politics” strategy.

The Forum Talk “Our climate our future” discusses how youth and children are affected by climate change, how they are organising themselves to pressure society into action and how governments should react to their demands. It is held the World Forum for Democracy’s question of June: children and youth leading the fight against climate change.

World Forum for Democracy: Forum Talk Council of Europe, remotely 25 June 2021
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