LAB 2 Restoring Trust in Institutions

The LAB 2 Restoring Trust in Institutions, will address the issue of transparency, which is one of the fundamental principles of good governance that can develop citizens' trust in public authorities. But how can we ensure that the institutions report transparently to citizens and what role can the civil society play in this? Three initiatives will be presented, analysed and debated in this LAB. First of all, Popvox, a platform of civic engagement in the United States with the mission of empowering individuals and making the government more effective for everyone through networks such as Popvox Local. Secondly, the ‘Follow the Money’ initiative - a grassroots citizen network in Nigeria, which monitors the use of government funds and international aid in local communities. Finally, a Serbian investigative journalist will present the unique online database (KRIK) on the assets of Serbian politicians.

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The Congress will sponsor LAB 9: Local journalism - at the frontline of the information, dedicated to the future of local media and outreach. What is their role in the digital age? How can we support and promote them so that they can guarantee access to reliable information, without which citizens feel deprived of any relevant initiative? The LAB will revolve around two initiatives: Méditacités which involves its readers in conducting surveys with the purpose of acting as a counterpoint of the mainstream media, and the newspaper Drenche, which would like to help the citizens to form their own opinions on current debates by means of simple and precise information, but also through forums of opinion, Pros and Cons, each written by a competent, legitimate and committed person.

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