The Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe passed from Croatia to Finland, at a meeting on 21 November 2018 at the Organisation’s Strasbourg headquarters, attended by representatives of its 47 member States.

The outgoing Chair, Marija Pejčinović Burić, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of Croatia, gave an overview of her country’s achievements.

The new Chair of the Committee of Ministers, Timo Soini, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Finland, presented the priorities of the Finnish Presidency which will run for six months.

These priorities include strengthening the system of human rights and the rule of law in Europe, supporting equality and women’s rights and promoting an open and inclusive society (with a focus on young people and the prevention of radicalization).

finnish delegation

The Finnish delegation to the Congress comprises 5 representatives and 5 substitutes. The head of the delegation is Mrs Pia KAUMA.


The Congress at the Helsinki Ministerial Summit

Ministerial Summit 16 and 17 May 2019 Helsinki, Finland

Foreign Ministers of the 47-member states of the Council of Europe met in Helsinki, Finland, on 16 and 17 May 2019, in the context of the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Council of Europe. The Congress was represented by Anders KNAPE, President of the Congress, and Gunn-Marit HELGESEN,...

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Monitoring, one of the Council of Europe’s assets

Ministerial Summit 17 May 2019 Helsinki, Finland

The Foreign Ministers who met at the Ministerial Summit in Helsinki, Finland, on 17 May 2019, underlined in their final declaration that: “The Organisation’s strength is the periodic and thorough assessment of all member States, in line with established legal criteria. The Committee of Ministers,...

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Gunn-Marit HELGESEN attends the Council of Europe’s 70th anniversary ceremonies in Helsinki

Ministerial Summit 16 May 2019 Helsinki, Finland

On 16 May, as part of the ministerial session held in Helsinki, Gunn-Marit HELGESEN, First vice-President of the Congress and President of the Chamber of Regions, took part in a “treaty ceremony”. The aim of this event, held to mark the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe, was to give the...

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The President of the Congress addresses the Foreign Ministers of the Council of Europe: “We need to imagine a new ‘socio-territorial pact’ for our territories”

Ministerial Summit 17 May 2019 Helsinki, Finland

Speaking at the meeting of the Committee of Ministers in Helsinki on 17 May, Anders Knape stressed that local democracy was a central pillar of European democracy. Mentioning the current challenging situation faced by member States and European institutions, he underlined that “Mayors,...

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Congress President Anders KNAPE addresses the Committee of Ministers: “We must regain the trust of the citizens”

Committee of Ministers 29 November 2018 Strasbourg, France

“Corruption continues to pose a major threat to local and regional governance and democracy in Europe, and governments and parliaments at all levels urgently need to address it effectively. The Congress will continue to focus its action on prevention - promoting higher ethical standards and...

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Congress adopted texts

Local and regional democracy in Finland


Institutional Communication Unit