Ireland took over the rolling six-month Presidency of the Council of Europe's Committee of Ministers on 20 May 2022.

The handover from Italy’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Mr. Luigi Di Maio to Ireland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Simon Coveney and beginning of Ireland’s Presidency took place at a meeting of foreign ministers held in Turin, Italy.

Ireland will focus on three main themes:

  • reinforcing Human Rights & the Protection of Civilians in Europe;
  • promoting Participatory Democracy & Youth Engagement;
  • fostering a Europe of Welcome, Inclusion, & Diversity.

In the framework of the Irish Presidency, the Bureau of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities is invited to meet on 14 June in Tralee.

Furthermore, the Irish Presidency is invited to the next Congress session which will be held on 25-27 October in Strasbourg.


Back Congress President meets the President of the Committee of Ministers, Irish Minister of State for European Affairs

Congress President meets the President of the Committee of Ministers, Irish Minister of State for European Affairs

Today, Congress President, Leendert Verbeek met with the Minister of State for European Affairs of Ireland, Thomas Byrne who was participating in the session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe.

Congress President underlined the unique role of the Congress in the institutional architecture of the Council of Europe and the paramount importance of the local and regional authorities grass-root contribution to addressing the challenges faced by the member States of the Council of Europe. This is particularly visible in Ukraine, where local and regional authorities appear to be a kind of second Army that helps restauring stability and rebuilding services in the cities of the country that have been hit by the war.

Minister Byrne welcomed the work of the Congress, particularly in the areas reflected in the priorities of the Irish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe: promotion of human rights, participatory democracy, youth engagement, and inclusion.

The discussion focused on the future of the Council of Europe and the possible 4th Summit of Heads of States and Government of the Council of Europe and the contribution of the Congress. A debate on this topic is planned during the 43rd Session of the Congress, on 25 October. It will be followed by an exchange with the Minister of State for Planning and Local Government, Peter Burke, on behalf of the Irish Chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers.

Presidency Strasbourg, France 12 October 2022
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Irish Delegation

 Irish delegation

The Irish delegation to the Congress comprises 4 representatives and 4 substitutes.
The head of the delegation is James MOLONEY


Council of Europe
Congress of Local and Regional Authorities
F-67075 STRASBOURG cedex
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