Meeting on 10 February 2025 in Luxembourg, the Congress Bureau decided to invite a delegation of...
The Bureau of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has adopted...
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities has issued a new publication presenting its report...
The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities has published a new leaflet outlining the action...
The European Youth Conference “Young people in local and regional life: Democracy in Action!”...
Gender Equality
Inclusive societies and prevention of radicalisation
Alliance of European cities against violent extremism
Civil participation - Be PART
Youth participation
European Local Democracy Week
Youth delegates
bE-Open: Open Local Government | A tool for action
Human Rights at local and regional levels
Human rights and the environment
The Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights - Local and Regional Authorities
Children's Rights
Roma and Travellers
Migrants and integration
Local and Regional Governance
Corruption and public ethics