Open, inclusive and transparent participatory budgeting

Municipality/City of Mykolaiv

Oblast: Mykolaiv

Population: 482,000

 Website of the municipality

This initiative launches a number of concrete actions building on the existing participatory budgeting scheme in Mykolaiv in order to ensure access for citizens to local decision-making and to strengthen social cohesion. A new category of projects under the topic “Education” is being created with the aim to attract more project proposals from youth, and a series of trainings are being provided to citizens, and especially students, sharpening their skills necessary to submit quality project proposals and maximise their impact on local decision-making. These actions thus seek to build trust and partnership between members of the community and public authorities as well as to increase transparency on public expenditures.

Mykolaiv put in place its participatory budgeting tool in 2017 and established an expert group whose responsibility is to analyse the submitted projects for voting and adoption.

Stakeholders: Department of Economic Development; Expert Council of the Executive Committee; Department of Youth Policy.


International and national consultants providing direct expert support to participating municipalities, per topic of initiative

 Biographies (English and Ukrainian)