The Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe has always been convinced that local and regional good governance entails a full compliance with fundamental freedoms and human rights. Local governments, with a political leadership accountable to citizens, are key players in guaranteeing human rights.  The Congress has adopted several reports and has been collecting data and good practice examples of human rights applications at local and regional levels of government.

The aim is to:

  • promote awareness among elected representatives of their responsibilities in dealing with human rights issues that affect people’s everyday lives at the local level ;
  • encourage the national, as well as local, authorities to be trained in the field of human rights ;
  • disseminate reliable information among citizens about their rights.
Human Rights Handbook

The Congress has developed a series "Human rights handbook for local and regional authorities" to provide a practical tool for local and regional elected representatives, but also for the staff of territorial administrations. The aim is to highlight the practical implementation of human rights at local and regional levels and to facilitate the exchange of experience between local and regional elected representatives.Each handbook presents examples of initiatives implemented by communities and provides contact details for each of them.

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Council of Europe Congress launches tool for promoting human rights at local and regional level in Europe

How can human rights be made a tangible reality at grassroots level?  This issue was debated by the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg on 27 March 2017, with the participation of Nils Muiznieks, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, and Roland-François Weil, UNHCR Representative to the European Institutions.

“We all agree about the importance of involving local and regional authorities in human rights.  We also agree about the need to clarify the concrete obligations which human rights entail in practice for subnational authorities,” said Harald Bergmann (Netherlands, ILDG), Congress Spokesperson on Human Rights.  “Many successful examples have shown that integrating human rights in public policies does not necessarily demand additional resources, or involve legal or technical constraints,” he added.

The resolution adopted proposes the adoption of a handbook on human rights setting out examples of good practices already conducted in many European cities.  The first volume focuses on three particularly vulnerable categories: refugees, asylum seekers and migrants; Roma and Travellers; and LGBTI people.  It includes a presentation of the legal framework and the role which local and regional authorities can play, as well as 65 good practices implemented in over 25 countries.

This Handbook is the first in a series that will cover other groups or topics and will be complemented by an internet platform allowing other European cities to share their experiences in the field of human rights.

The initiative ties in with the Congress Human Rights Action Plan. The handbook was produced with the support of the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency and the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights, and the contribution of human rights experts,

The Congress urges local and regional authorities and their administrations in Council of Europe member states to adopt and use the Handbook on Human Rights in their policies, for the benefit of their authorities’ citizens.


** 34th Session of the Congress **
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34th session Strasbourg, France 27 March 2018
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