Foreign Ministers of the 47-member states of the Council of Europe met in Helsinki, Finland, on 16 and 17 May 2019, in the context of the 70th anniversary of the creation of the Council of Europe.

At the end of the ministerial session chaired by the Finnish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Timo SOINI, Finland, handed over the chairmanship of the Committee of Ministers to France, following which the French Secretary of State for European Affairs, Amélie DE MONTCHALIN, presented the priorities of her country's Presidency.

The main goals of the French Presidency are to preserve and strengthen the European system of human rights protection, to strive towards a Europe that brings people closer together and fosters unity, and to promote equality and a culture of “living together” as well as ensuring the Council of Europe adapts to the times and addresses the new challenges surrounding human rights and the rule of law; in particular digital technology issues and artificial intelligence.

The Presidency of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe passed from France to Georgia , at a meeting at the organisation’s Strasbourg headquarters on 27 November 2019. France’s Secretary of State in charge of European Affairs Amélie de Montchalin gave an overview of her country’s achievements.


Back The President of the Congress addresses the Foreign Ministers of the Council of Europe: “We need to imagine a new ‘socio-territorial pact’ for our territories”

The President of the Congress addresses the Foreign Ministers of the Council of Europe: “We need to imagine a new ‘socio-territorial pact’ for our territories”

Speaking at the meeting of the Committee of Ministers in Helsinki on 17 May, Anders Knape stressed that local democracy was a central pillar of European democracy. Mentioning the current challenging situation faced by member States and European institutions, he underlined that “Mayors, councillors, regional governments and parliaments, local and regional elected representatives from 150,000 local and regional authorities, are working every day in the field, for and with citizens across the continent.“They are the glue that binds our societies together.” he underlined.

According to the President of the Congress, “these millions of local and regional representatives, who we work to represent in the Congress, at European level, within the Council of Europe, are the essence of democracy itself. They can help significantly to restore confidence in democracy, in its processes, its actors and its institutions”.

He proposed that the ministers of Foreign Affairs participating in this meeting on “the future of the Council of Europe” incorporate, in their reflections, the Congress proposal to rethink the organisational model Europe’s territories. “The key to the future democratic health of Europe lies in our collective ability to imagine a new ‘socio-territorial pact,’” he said.

The Congress of local and regional authorities is a political Assembly representing 150,000 local and regional authorities in Europe within the Council of Europe. Its core mission is to monitor the situation of local and regional democracy in the Council of Europe member States on the basis of the European Charter of Local Self-Government, an international treaty ratified by 47 member States.


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The Congress at the Helsinki Ministerial Summit
Ministerial Summit Helsinki, Finland 17 May 2019
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French delegation 

The French delegation to the Congress comprises 18 representatives and 18 substitutes.
The head of the delegation is Mr Jean-Louis TESTUD.


Local and regional democracy in France


Institutional Communication Unit